Unable to complete Champions of Legionfall: Hunter

I am unable to turn this quest in, it does not seem to be triggering. I have completed pre req quests Defending Broken Shore, A Glorious Campaign Achievement, A Hero’s Weapon, Armies of Legionfall and Assault on Brokenshore. I already had Breaching the Tomb but I did all the quests again on my hunter just to make sure. I do not have the Cathedral of Eternal Night in my log either. I have tried to troubleshoot by even switching the timeline to Legion, dropping and retaking the quest Champions of Legionfall from Maive and went back to Trueshot Lodge, and still the quest is not there to pick up, Devastating Effects. I don’t know if this matters, but when I look at Wowhead for the quests I completed on Nysong 68 Hunter, there is no indication of Champion: Halduron Brightwing either in the completed or incomplete tab. I have completed that quest as I do have the champion and have done a Hero’s Weapon for the end of the class hall campaign. But still, I cannot get Champions of Legionfall to progess. I have submitted a ticket and they said they are aware of issues and to send a bug report.

This has been really frustrating as I have been trying to figure this out for almost 2 weeks now.

*Update 9/21/24
Nothing new on this either. I have an ongoing ticket and all they say is to submit a bug report. I have all three artifact weapons, all the achievements, finished the questline for the order hall and have the quest in my log, but the turn in does not show up. Anyone have any suggestions?