I am trying to clear a list of old Favorites from my leatherworking tab, and although some of them can be deleted, some can’t. No matter how often I click on Remove Favorite, they just sit there.
I have this same issue. I even have multiples of the same item in the favorites list.
I too am having this issue with cooking and 3 favorited copies of Lavish Suramar Feast. Cannot remove it
me as well, anything from legion and bfa with ranked crafts shows up multiple times, as well.
Same with my engineering favorites. And mumtiples of the same item. Also from BFA and SL.
Would be good to get this bug fixed at some stage???
Click the star on the right to remove favorite.
@cooly - Thanks Captain Obvious. Way to contribute to this issue. There is an active bug where favorites cannot be removed from the favorites list.
Still having this issue with Legion cooking favorites.
When you call up a profession which has Favorites, they are listed on the left hand side (as Favorites at the top) but if you click on it, that recipes also appears in the main screen. If you click on the star next to its name on the main screen, it should disappear from the Favorites list.
I was having troubles (and still do occasionally) where it will be listed 3 times, but I’ve found now that clicking that star on the main screen removes it. If yours aren’t going that is definately a bug of some sort.
Clicking the star to remove the item… removes the item. Which negates the point of having favorites. We simply don’t want all the favorites to be listed 3 separate times. How long has this bug been going on? I’m tired of seeing 4-5 recipes take up 20 lines of favorite space.
I haven’t had this issue in quite a while. So I’m not sure if its due to something like add ons or its just an intermittent random bug.