Cannot choose pact for Ajz-Kahet - Currently Reputation level 6 and requires level 3. Have finished the pre-requisite quests. Please see these two links from a current issue and previous from the Beta.
No world quests in Azj-Kahet? - Community / General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (
BUG:Can anyone else not get the Weekly Quest from Widow Arak’nai? - In Development / The War Within Beta Test - World of Warcraft Forums (
The QuarterMaster (Y’tekhi) and the Pact Dealer and Information (Yamas the Provider) are also Yellow and I believe at this reputation should be green?
Ticket was put in and I was requested to add a bug report.
Same issue. Was just randomly clicking all 3 pacts and found it allowed me to pick the same pact as last week and that worked fine. But the other 2 pacts were NOT going through even though the button looked as if its selectable.
this is happening to me want to pick weavers. please fix
Want to buy a reset where 5 new things aren’t broken, paying well.
same. i want to pick another pact instead of the same one i had last week
Same issue here. More replies = greater visibility.
Same on main (ditto my partner in questing). Also the rep bug with Threads still persists.
wowhead says to just pick the same one you did last week and it will work, but that defeats the entire purpose of being able to choose a pact if you’re just doing the same one every week
I’ll try it on a different character once I figure out if contracts are region-wide or realm specific on the auction house
bump, make all the rep bug issues a top priority…
this bug feels particularly awful, among all of the terrible bugs, imo. really needs a fix.
Also experiencing this issue. Tried disabling all addons & weakaura but still no luck. Trying to bump thread for visibility. Thanks to others for doing the same.
I think they fixed this maybe? since its a warband quest i abandoned on everything went to an alt and then tried again and it worked for me was able to switch from general to weavers. Hope this helps someone
Yes, appears to be fixed. Tried a couple hours ago and was able to successfully choose a pact. Didn’t have to abandon any quests on alts or anything.
i just went there on an alt and don’t have the option to pick or change the pact. i have been stuck on general this week with hardly any content for renown.
i also tried on my main that is stuck on General and no choice available.
I still can’t choose a pact, haven’t been able to since day 1 and I’m renown 6 now