Unable to change Alchemy Mastery anywhere in Cata

I checked all the old Alchemy Mastery trainers in Outland, and the Alchemy Trainer in Stormwind that gives the new Cata quests. There is no option to unlearn my current Mastery or switch to a new one. Also no option on the profession menu. Anyone else have any luck?


There is a book in Tanaris at Steamwheedle to change it. Cost is 150g.


You are the GOAT, thank you. I’ll head out there once the servers are back up. Nothing I found when searching online mentioned that.

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It’s a little hut a little bit set off from Steamwheedle. There is a book on the table. Make sure you relearn your next spec while standing there. I screwed up and left thinking I had to go back to the trainer haha.


The book doesn’t work, says the pages have been destroyed.
I believe there will be a quest in SW that will allow you to change your mastery by turning in a bunch of flasks. Not sure if there is a level requirement or Alchemy level requirement for the quest to show up.
ETA: The quest will show up once you’ve hit 475 in Alchemy

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Yes, unfortunately it seems the book was changed in the prepatch or launch and no longer works. Guess we may have to wait for them to fix it as I can’t find anyway to change. Old Cata posts say that the trainer in the city should let you change Alchemy Mastery.

Edit: I am 525 Alchemy and cannot find any way to change or unlearn my current Alchemy Mastery.

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I somehow managed to unlearn my Mastery during the prepatch, but for the life of me, can’t remember how I did it. According to WoWhead, the quest won’t show up for you until you unlearn your current Mastery.
(I’m only at 460 Alchemy so far, will update once I hit 475.)

Same, I cannot change my specialization and of course the ticket responses have been entirely unhelpful. I have submitted a bug report but I wish they’d let me switch it.

I was able to unlearn and relearn the masteries at Yelmak in org. It’s a dialog then after that he gives you all 3 quest options. Hope this helps!

EDIT However it does look like if you were hoping for the transmute mastery , or any for that matter, there is a new quest. The transmute one requires 4 truegold

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I just received a reply to my ticket stating that all trainers should be able to let you swap Alchemy Mastery, and that the one in Honor Hold/Trallmar may be needed. However, double checked and the trainers in Major Cities do not, and nor does the Outland trainer work. It sounds like the Horde side’s is working though?

EDIT: The Darnassus Alchemy trainer works and lets you unlearn your current mastery. SW/IF trainers do not work.


Also having this issue, no trainer gives me the option to change mastery.

Also having this issue, checked wrath Dalaran trainer & didn’t work either…stuck with potion master for now i guess fml

Can confirm Alchemist trainer in Darnassus worked to drop my elixir mastery

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Just fyi if you do drop one mastery, you still have to do the quest for the other one you want. It’s not like before where you can do potions and switch to transmute for a fee.

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Thank you! Any idea where I can learn potion mastery? Alchemy trainers dont have the option, Lauranna Thar’Well in Zangermarsh doesnt have the option, and the trainer in Shat doesnt give it either.

What’s the best mastery in your opinion?

you can unlearn your current spec from Ainethil in Darnassus.