I put in a ticket. I got a “it’s a known issue, no ETA on a fix” response, but it’s been a couple weeks now and I can’t effectively use one of my professions because I can’t interact with the specialization UI for it. I get that it’s only a few people this is affecting but this is having an impact on my game play experience and how I interact with other players via crafting.
The bug makes the UI for my Enchanting specialization either show my tailoring specialization, or more frequently, it shows me this:
I have done all the usual things such as removing all addons, deleting my cache/wtf/interface folders, and I even did a fresh install of the game on an entirely different machine, all to no avail.
Leaving me hanging for weeks, unable to use one of my profession specializations sucks, and I’d like something to be done to fix this bug without losing my Enchanting skill progression or recipes.
Been having the same issue since day one. Please fix!!
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Is yours also with Enchanting like me? Or is it a different profession that’s bugged for you?
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Gotcha. Was tailoring the first profession you trained? Or was it the second? For me tailoring was the first and that specialization works fine, and enchanting was the second and is borked. I’m just trying to see if there’s any connection between the bug and the order in which the professions were learned.
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Dont remember but there is another thread we have on this same issue with the exact lua error it gives https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/lua-error-when-choosing-specializations/1423395
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Getting this issue with skinning on my Shaman too. Either loads this broken UI OR it will show my leather working specializations.
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My jewelcrafting ui looks the same and before I switched to herbalism my mining ui looked the same. I tried the whole reset ui thing and no add ons but it didnt work either. When I unlearned mining and choose herbalism the ui for it worked fine but now sometimes after opening the specialization window for herbalism and then trying to open jc specialization ui it still shows the herb specialization ui. I also switched back to mining from herbalism and then back to herbalism and the uis worked fine. I refuse to do this for my jc though. Ive had jc since I started playing years and years ago and I don’t think unlearning and relearning is an acceptable fix. It would mean losing all my patterns and having to relevel all the previous expacs. This is also only happening on my level 70 hunter(my main). Every one of my alts I have started in Dragonflight and trained their professions for this expac have had no issues and they use the same add ons and ui. This has been going on since the launch of Dragonflight and I havent seen any news about it or the people that have put in tickets havent received a response that is helpful or really even seem like they care. Would be nice to get an updated response from someone to know what is going on and if they plan on fixing this.
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