I know for a fact the community as a whole is tired of looking at assassin rogues in pvp. its time to make rogue a 2 spec class again (no one cares about sub). the number of “viable” specs in pvp is pathetically low and for a company like blizzard king of the mmo. have they no shame? since the end of legion rogue has been 1 spec class in pvp. and theres alotof 1 spec classes in pvp in retail right now. dk shaman hunter to name a few… how many classes have all their specs viable in pvp… im thinking dh druid and paladin. basically 3 out of 12 classes are fully functional in pvp… why am I subbed to such a bad game. just thinking out loud in text. to heck with all that though I just want outlaw back. just prune the nerfs by a percentage, this cant be hard to do just tweeking numbers iswhy we got this big fancy new wow engine… whats the hold up? you could basically bring back curse of the dreadblades and make quick draw a regular ability/passive and put cotdb in its place cause no one should ever pick the other 2 talent on the row ever and probably don’t . tweak numbers or reinstate our artif ability. or do both. is blizz fine with 3 out of 12 specs being fully functional. does bfa really stand for “balance fell apart” as in broken, “broken friggin abilities” theirs no more Warcraft in Warcraft, its chase the meta. world of is it meta or not. theres so much wron with this expansion I just want outlaw back. I need more dmg in pvp to be effective and desirable as a teammate. in fact a lot of specs do and blizz is sleeping at the office when they should be working hard to fix every moment of this game.
#buff outlaw
“no one cares about sub”…2 of the top 4 rogues on ladder are sub
Im all for buffing outlaw but lets be factual here
Seemed to have a typo, you’re welcome.
Agreed we need all 3 specs to have the top 3 rep spots. Must overtake Mage and Druid
this game is best when the rogues are sub, the mages are frost and they’re playing with disc priests
Yes I enjoyed blanket cs into deep into poly into fear into blanket cs.
Honestly just nerf sin slow and internal bleeding so that they actually have to play another spec or rely on gpy to get kills. Problem with sin is that they have burst on kidney every 25. High sustained. And a 2 min vendetta.
Take away the bleed associated with kidney and/or make toxic blade longer and they become mortal.
yeah gonna be real with you
you lost everyone reading here
and outlaw is obnoxious
i cant see them making toxic blades longer since it would impact pve assass significantly
best bet would be getting it taken down to 15% from 30
I literally stopped reading right when he said that LOL I’m all for outlaw buffs but that’s when I knew he was stupid
Crap your right… guess we gotta nerf it by 10% in pvp
Druids ate a 10% nerf and they are fine… thats a discussion for another day but yea
Delete outlaw and bring back combat imo.
Maybe I’m thinking of tbc when blessing of sac had no cd but was really only good for breaking poly/sap/etc, but even in wrath I remember the pally I played with using sac just to break polies (did a lot of tsg, warrior/mage/pally and warrior/rogue/pally back in wrath just because those were the classes my friends played), he was also human though so had double trinket. But still, when the game was at its best rmp only had like 5-10 seconds of good uptime on goes before getting chunked down. It’s not like you didn’t still have a warrior and a dk smacking on the rmp’s rogue while you were silenced and polied, more than 10s of cc (or effectivelly cc since wtf is a pally going to do while silenced) to a healer was pretty much overkill with how small kill windows were
Assa should definitely be the worst of the 3 and be a training wheels spec.
Sub is the most fun for sure, but the weakest. Outlaw has it’s clunky moments, but it’s still more fun than PvEing as assa.
Problem with outlaw is the ranged blind that’s shorter than trinket cooldown and has no counterplay.
good thing literally none of these specs exist in the game anymore because this is 2019 class design and rogue mage will never be a skill-based comp no matter what specs you play until they revert the game
that doesnt change the fact that i would rather q into sub frost rmp over double caster (dampen) or double melee (w key)
I’d rather not vs outlaw/elly again
Outlaw ele was a fun comp tho back in legion im sure sticki would play it if anyone actually played outlaw anymore lol
I’d rather they fix enhancement shaman before they fix another rogue spec.
oops ^_-
Knock it off Sticki
me and murphy already been prepping that comp ques ^_-