Korrak’s Revenge actually felt like a return to memories of old that first week of the Anniversary. Both sides tug-of-warring their way across the map, with ram/wolf riders and actually putting in effort to try and rescue the pilots. Heck, that first week, I was in one two-hour battle that actually saw both Ivus and Lok summoned. People running back to base to deliver rams, armor, turn in quest. But then by the second week we could all see that every NPC in the battleground had been stealth nerfed. Groups were taking down Drek/Vanndar with two towers up, which was basically impossible the week before.
This Anniversary event has now devolved into just a straight rush, over in minutes. Got weeklies to turn in? Better do it in the opening minutes, cause those NPCs will be dead in about 10. I just don’t get it, the Epic Battleground queue exists for people to blitz through, why the hell did you have to nerf Korrak’s into just another AV?