I would normally laugh at the possibility of this, but artifact weapons were specifically told to us to ignore the rule involving what you can and cannot transmog. This one don’t hold up unfortunately. More likely, Blizzard broke something and we’ll be waiting a couple of months for it to be fixed.
But they said you can mog any legion artefact weapon to any weapon you have. wtf…?? They literally said that before and it was a huge announcement and everything.
Same issue. Transmog makes the noise armor makes when its being mogged but then the transaction of gold didn’t go thru. That weird zap noise but no jingle of coins or actual mog
So here how it works.
Let’s take paladin’s holy spec 2H hammer.
Here are the scenarios
I am in Holy w/ 1h mace + shield - I can trnasmog it into 2H Holy Legion artifact.
I am in Holy w/ 1h mace + shield - I can transmog it into Protection Legion 1H+shield
I am in Protection 1H+Shield - I cannot transmog it into Holy artifact.
I am in Retribution 2H weapon - I can transmog it into 2H Holy Mace.
In a nutshell, you can transmog ANYTHING into your current’s spec Legion Artifact. And you can transform anything into any artifact in ANY spec but as long as the weapon type matches.
In theory, yes. But as of today, it’s broken, as my Monk figured out tonight. It would fit into scenario 1. I have a 2h weapon as windwalker, but suddenly cannot transmog to my Legion artifact, which is 2 fist weapons. It was working through all of Shadowlands up until today.