Umm... so I read all these threads about the duck disguiser

… and am quite confused.

This morning (I guess yesterday morning now) my human mage got the duck disguise and the yellow skin.

A couple of minutes ago my worgen warlock got the duck disguise and the pink skin.

For fits and giggles, I tried both out and my mage is able to turn into a yellow duck and my warlock is able to turn into a pink duck.

I thought posters said the duck disguiser was not account wide and only the first character than earned it could use it?

No, the colors you earn from the quest are not account-wide. If they were, both your toons, all your toons in fact, would be able to use both colors.


What Doness said.

Tovi can only use the white disguise, which is the one she collected, my Hunter can only use the pink one (again, what she collected), and my Mage, that didn’t do the quest at all, has no options for duck colors.

Edit: Btw, I think whomever designed this toy is a bit… goofy. Sorry not sorry. Why didn’t they just give us six toys representing the six colors and make them account wide? Would have been so easy.

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So all the hoop-to-do was over colors, not use?

But people were saying their ‘alts’ couldn’t use it at all because it didn’t have a base form.

Yeah, like I said I just confirmed that. My Mage, that didn’t do the quest at all, has no color options from the egg.

It doesn’t. Try it on a toon that hasn’t done either the quest. You can still set down the toy, but if you click on it, you can’t use it.

So if a player wants one of each color all they have to do is run six characters thru the quest line and each of those characters will have one of the colors?

So they can earn each color, just each one will be attached to a single character?

Yeah that’s exactly what I did.

I had 6 of my characters collect all six colors. I did that incase Blizzard caved to the complaints.

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Thank you for the clarification.

I won’t be doing that because I will never use the toy.

However, if you want to see something hilarious put on the duck disguise to run around the Shrine of the Seven Stars. The little legs going at top speed thru the palace is so saturday morning cartoon.