Um... The Great Feasts Recipes

All of them. Literally all of them.

Restores 50,000 health and 66,666 mana over 20 seconds.

Yeah, there is definitely nothing going on here.

Don’t drink the tea that comes with the feasts.

I think I’ll be fine with my cheese and quackers.

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You monster.

Duckies are for hugging.


Worry not. The meat comes from diseased duckies.

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Well now I am worried for your health.

Does your mechanically enhanced body purge toxins from tainted meats?

My beard filters it for me.

Indeed it does! Our cybernetics comes with a custom and very lovable A.I. that administers stimpaks and antidoes for unwanted threats!

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I just get so angry that I light on fire and that purges poisons from my body.


Shhhh and eat your soup. It’s good for you :imp:

I’m not eating any of that.


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here’s a tip…don’t ask a vulpera guy to make you a drink if you don’t want a hole in your liver lol. Also yes this comment is based on their joke about making someone a drink

Ah come on you’re saying you don’t want a drink made with a fireflask, ranishu stomach acid, spoiled alpaca milk and… okay hmm no wonder everyone runs for the hills… when did this alpaca milk spoil?


Yeah I can see why folk run when he offers a drink like that too. Kinda glad none of my vulpera guys are cooks or I’d fear food poisoning. I’m sure not all of them are bad cooks but you never know till you see the finished product

I hate to burst your bubble, but they don’t run because of the drink.

Um, Murdercarpet?

This is Dragonflight. Not WotLK.

It’s a Great Feast, of the kind that can get you the Dinner Impossible achievement.


But we’re still in Dragonflight.