Ultrawide monitor 2022 considerations. Wow/Lost Ark/TV

Hi there would like some recommendations for an ultrawide monitor. This will be for wow and Lost ark which apparently recommends an UW. Someone also said just got a cheap 40 inch TV but not sure that would be optimal even if somewhat “cheaper”.

Probably want 27 or 34 inch. Thoughts? I read 34 is massive but I might want to sub it in for a a TV.

I was told to look for 120+ refresh rate and make sure it supports freesync and the refresh rate during an HDMI connection.

Any thoughts or actual specific monitor recommendations would be great and appreciated :slight_smile:

using a 34 inch ultrawide here and it’s pretty awesome. the best part is the extra stuff you can see with the expanded field of vision.

as far as specs, just set the maximum amount of $ you want to spend, and hit that target. however i would prioritize refresh rate, and make sure it’s supported by your vid card

34" Ultrawide is like a 28" but wider. I have both side by side and much rather play games on the 34". Also 34" UW monitors have come down in price and up in spec so some can be a great deal.

LG C1 if you want a TV and to use for gaming too. Screen burn in is something you may get but after reading about some reviews about it I wouldn’t be too worried.