Does anyone know something about unique buff, that night elves get called “Ultravision” entering Kara crypts. Any thoughts about what does it do, or how it helps or that’s just cool purple glowing?
Its a cool flavor. Ultravision was a NE upgrade in WC3 that gave you more vision during night time. Probably does the same in kara.
We can see further in Kara than anyone else, where you see darkness we can see mobs and objects.
Night Elves can see mobs in the dark regardless of being in range of the torch. There is also a bug where if a paladin bubbles the night elf it removes the darkness debuff so they can walk around anywhere and see everything - taking no damage.
Hi I’m a rogue I’d like some extra flavor to the darkness mechanic. darkness is my ally. I was born in it. Molded, etc.
Someone say Univision? WTB Sabado Gigante!!!
Ultravision is inspired by my legendary skills in Warsong with my Nelf warrior → Geladalion-Auberdine, transfered to Zendolar-PyrewoodVillage (EU)
I’m too skilled and Blizzard dedicated this to me