Ultimate Penitence Bugged

When the channel starts dealing damage on someone and they run behind a pillar, the damage just stops, unlike every other channeled ability in the game. Please fix this.

It’s not a bug. Ultimate Penitence isn’t cast on one person as a targeted spell, it’s cast on targets at random nearby. If there’s no enemies nearby in LoS, it won’t hit and will instead go to a different enemy. If no other enemy is around, it won’t hit. It’ll just continue channeling until it’s over.

But it is cast on one target. If your target is LOS, the spell won’t cast. After it has been cast, it will effect other targets, but it is cast on a single target. And it is channeled, so it should continue to effect your target.

It’s cast on a single target only to determine if it’s friendly or enemy mode.

It’s otherwise like convoke.