Ultimate level 1 twink, honored furbolg rep :D

I try to get my level 1 twink rogue the best gear possible, it took a long time to get the reputation for the Furbolg Medicine Pouch as I needed to pay people to boost me for the rep and not many were up for it.
Eventually we got it and sadly I find out that Durotar is a bit easy so I now need to change zone to make it more interesting… how far can a level 1 go?


I’m surprised any of these players are even flagged.

But I guess I’d try and murder the level 1 gnome in my starting zone too.

The video was fun, thanks for sharing.


You are a warrior, li k e cherry blossom of the flower.

yea they get flagged cause they tried to kill me :slight_smile:

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This is very amusing, I am actually surprised and this is one of those times when I am indeed surprised by the effort players will put into really quirky things in classic and why this game is so damn good.


Enjoyed the video.

I’m very impressed you were able to do that and stay level 1. (Not level up from exploration xp).


Do you have to get summoned to felwood just to avoid leveling from exploration exp?

Are you able to run around all of durotar without dinging or do you avoid parts

yes I had to get summoned everywhere