Uldum Alliance Reconnections

Naqi. Spunball and bonez saying sup

Kill Loot Repeat, Poor Play, Repeat Offender, Hybrid, Moskau, Hit me up ppl

Done. Should be Bprime04#1316

Sandwich!! Wassup. I am surprised you failed to mention your first guild you joined. Sinister Corruption. Not sure if Sin or Hammer or Falloutboy is around, but those were the days.

Hey, Liore! Which server are you on? I’ve got an Undead Rogue called Neznah on Atiesh.

Hello folks. Johnas here. Paladin and used to be in Union once upon a time. Playing again, casually. The nostalgia is real! Glad to see I’m not the only one.

Battletag is Distortion#11698 if you want to say hello. Happy grinding!

What’s up, Soro? Been a while! This is Johnas from the old Union guild. Good to see you all are still around. Don’t know if you all are planning to play Classic or not but let me know if you ever want to roll. I started a mage on Ashkandi named Herst. I’m playing casually these days, but I’d still be down to jump on. Cheers!

Hey Quickkill. Hammer/Mccaffrey here, I’m playing in the Uldum guild on Skeram. Yeah those def were the days.

I had 2 level 60s, goatrogue and goatlock (rogue and warlock respectively :P). I ran with adrastus for awhile with my rogue. I played PvP with my warlock up until a few months before BC then stopped. Recognized a few names on this thread.

Added you! :slight_smile:

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Hey! I remember you from way back when. You were guildies with Slaggar and Luciid right? Do you know if they’re coming back :o

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Hey there! Nope I haven’t heard of them in ages lol

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make hybrid great again

I’m on Kurinnaxx, Alliance: Lohar

it’s been a long time

I played a Human Paladin named Sargonan, Uldum, Dragons of Slaughter. Some of the gang still play to this date, and are playing Classic WoW now.

I sent you a friend request

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I played a human mage named Lapetus back in the day. Raided with Adrastus MC through AQ, and another guild after that, but I can’t remember the name at all. Currently playing a gnome mage, Tikos, on Kurrinaxx if anyone wants to add me.

I played a Resto Druid called Strongspell (people called me Strong for short). I can’t remember my guild’s name. The guild leader was Tolliver (also had another character Davian or Davien). His wife was also a member of the guild. Also remember Lunesto.

Really loved the 40 man raids and the specific abilities the different classes had. You needed some of everything to get through a raid.

I started playing in Jan 2005 and have been playing ever since (with a couple year absence (2005-2007).

My Battletag ID is Strongspell #1469.

The GM of my original guild was Davien (do you remember if he also had a character Tolliver - I think he was a rogue). His wife was also in the guild. Are these the same people? I can’t remember the guild name…what does Eol stand for?

My character as Strongspell (Strong for short). The Druid Officer was Lunesto.

Shpongle - Dwarf Priest
mostly shadow for pve. disc for pvp
I believe I was in raiding guild called Union in tbc