Uludar has done pretty well this time around if your group follows mechanics, and on a few boss’s you don’t even need to know mechanics anymore. (example Aluriea and trash after XT.) Besides Mimirion’s Plasma Blast ability’s were tuned pretty well, though I feel Korlgron’s Shockwave is hitting for a little much. But the Plasma Blast ability’s initial strike took out 90% of both of our tanks heath before killing them with the dot part of the ability, our heals didn’t have time to try and keep them up.
Now besides scaling there were two major issues in my test raid run on Tuesday. Frist was with the first boss. I have my raids fill up to about 30 to avoid having everyone leave and refill for TW, and such when we zoned in we found 3 people, inducing myself, had no siege vehicles. We could see a siege engine and demo broken, so I assume they should have been active for us. It did not cost us loot on the first boss, but we did pull extra trash trying to keep up with siege vehicles.
The second is the big issue. Thoirm would not agro for our raid. He just stood up on his pedestal staring at us, his health bar orange indicating he was still inactive. I don’t know if this is fixed as there is no easy way for me to check my lockout on my druid. I don’t want to recruit 9 random strangers just to see if Thorim will pull and then leave. But the Thoirm issue is only on TW, please don’t read this and think you can’t solo the raid.
In the time it took me to write this post, someone in my TW community figured out a possible solution to the Thoirm issue. Pull the starting adds out of the area and the opposite faction group should spawn.
Well there is all the info on Ulduar. I wanted to put this as I have noticed no one else has provided much on TW Ulduar.
Have a nice day.
First 4 bosses were cakewalks for me. Maybe because I can facemelt with my pyrite vehicle where others don’t even know how where the button is.
Then I got to Kologarn. This “should” be a cakewalk. You know, take the lazers out of group, do 100K damage on the “right hand” when it grips someone. Well, except most people can barely pull 800 (I bring out my old sets, leggos, and prime azurite gears and facemelt). Add in that your already losing up to 3 DPS stuck in the hand and maybe 1 running from lazers… If they do survive the first grip (which generally means I didn’t get gripped), then #2 is where the slow wipe starts.
This is supposed to scale to size, but I feel like we mighta forgot to scale that hand maybe.
I did my second raid run two days ago and have some more things to add.
I wanted to say this myself. Stone Grip damage requirements do not scale right, or at all. My test run group was at 28 people for this boss and Thursday raid 15. The damage requirement was the same for both raids and smaller raid could not break grip until we added more dps.
There is aslo another issue on Mimiron. With the pull he will just attack you will doing his dialogue. Why is this bad? Well you can’t attack him until Mim stops talking and 1-2 people will die.
Lastly General Vezax’s mark of the faceless has not scaled at all to fit BFA. It will 3 shot players and heal the boss for 4% heath per tick from one player that was stolen life. It makes the encounter like auto hard mode. But the only nice thing is mark is attacking ranged only for some reason.