Ulduar Timewalking Available This Week

In case you missed it, running now through the end of the game week on Tuesday morning, Ulduar raid Timewalking is available.

To get started, join a raid group and head to Dalaran. In the middle of Dalaran, Vormu has a quest for you that rewards a Heroic raid level piece of gear and a hefty 500 Timewarped Badges. All of the usual bonus rewards are also in play, such as pets and mounts. And Vormu can also teleport you to Ulduar.

Then all you have to do is kill Yogg-Saron!


Is Ulduar harder on Wotlk classic or retail?


All the players complaining about the once-a-week champion track gear from dreamsurges being “poor catch up” can get a 2nd champion track item this week?

Third. Every week can award Champion track from the Heroic dungeon weekly.

It’s fairly easy on retail. We cleared the whole in in less than 2 hours and did hardmode last boss with all the keepers up. Was fairly easy.

No one got the mimron head but someone did get the infintate time reaver.

There are still 1 shot mechanics and you can do hardmode of some of the bosses for extra boxes.

What ilvl does Hardmode drop?

I believe it’s champion level stuff it’s just an extra box for extra loot / achievements and time walk badges.

If you do the quest for killing yog you get a 415 Hero piece that is upgradable.

Plus tbh… it’s easier to just go zug zug and do the hardmode lol

It scales though. You have to be certain item level before it becomes Champion. I did it on Monday on my war alt that was 400, and got Adventurer 7/8 item. This week, with my war at 418, it gives me Champion 1/8 gear.

Oh yea thanks for the reminder to level my alt on WOTLK this weekend!

Oh no please don’t tell me killing yogg in time walking is your next Rumour. Last line has me worried. :dracthyr_uwahh_animated:


It does not. I have been getting Champ track since day one that this quest became a thing and this is the reward on my ilevel 379 character:


So either we’re not talking about the same quest or something bugged out on your end.

You’re right I must be confused about the item. Just checked some sub-400 item level alts and they all get Champion 1/8 from the quest.

Wonder if you found yet another grand and glorious bug! I wouldn’t be surprised. LOL

i’m not old!

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Ulduar TW might as well not be available since FL is still bugged and the demos can’t refuel pyrite no matter how many canisters the passengers pick up.

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Yogg-Saron did nothing wrong you monster!

Then they wait for turbulent tideways to start, and you’ll get 6 hero track items.

Yep. So total of nine. Hopefully they’re not all the same RNG’d piece. LOL

Thats super lame but this is retail.

The what now?