Uldaman, level range?

What is min/max advised range for this dungeon? Ty!!

Uldaman has an insane level creep. The first bosses are designed for level 41ish. Final boss is 47.

We actually cleared the entire dungeon with our highest level being 43 warlock and the tank (me) being 41. We wiped on the last boss a few times until we got lucky with taunt resists.

It’s doable, but expect to be there for at least 2 hours.

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Id say just go in your mid 40’s

The last boss is the toughest. Im usually a hunter so kiting always helped alot.

any level may walk in. not all levels will walk out.


I’m mostly concerned about what level i can do it till, i know i can start at 41 or 42, but how long can i keep running them for good exp?

Sounds like with the boss at 47 if you want to clear it you should shoot for an all 43 or higger team. Possibly a 44-45 tank or that 47 is gonna be running all over the place.

Still again, no1 has answered my question, what is the max level to do this dungeon, where exp is no longer good…

If you are near there, mouse over the meeting stone. It will give you the level range. This goes for all meeting stones.

That said though, Uldaman was one of the tougher dungeons so you might want to wait until you’re actually at the higher end of whatever the level range is. Same for Zul’Farrak.

Running dungeons to level isn’t actually the most effective, nor efficient way to do so. If you’re dead set on this though, go to the meeting stone, mouse over it & then add 11 levels to the max listed - THAT is when the totality of the dungeon will no longer grant you xp, although the final boss ~ may ~ still grant xp for a level or two longer, but everything else in the dungeon will be grey to you by then.