Uldaman Alliance Reconnections

Hey Quickshot, this is Fera, human warlock, i do remember raiding with you! I rolled Horde on Kromcrush this time around. I explained a in my above post what i remember happening to Dark Horizon above to Downtime.

Yeah bud. I am playing on Benediction currently as ally under the name Peppeppy again. if you wanted to join in

Hey Fera. I definitely remember playing with you. Yeah I went with DH in TBC. Lost touch with a bunch of them. GL on the horde side!

Zebrakiller, Guild Master of The Crimson Tide.

Currently on classic Westfall server. Still GM of The Crimson Tide!


Theforgotten - Dwarf Paladin
Shirofang- NE Hunter

I made Banner art for your guild website :slight_smile:

omg I do remember you on your shamy :smiley: you still on uldaman we should play sometime

I remember lvling with ya :smiley: woo glad I can find people hehe see ya on horde now?

Yeah, sometime in BC I made the switch and slowly migrated all my allies to horde. Vindicates#1149 if you want to catch up sometime!

daaamn son I remember the name! hella late response here lmao playing TBC classic on benediction atm

This is Blueyez! I remember Dragoth!

This is Blueyez! I remember you! :slight_smile:

I am currently playing on Westfall in BC, still Alliance side. My battletag is Rose#17256 if you guys want to connect! I am still hoping to hear from a few others that I used to play with.