Whoa. Blast from the past. This is Luker. Played Human Rogue in Rapture. Ill be coming back for Classic! Albeit for much less hours. Maybe a couple hours every few days. Not 12 hours a day like it’s 2005, haha
Hey man! Used to play with you on this toon.
Are you going to play Classic and if so which server?
Where are you guys planning on playing? Would be a great throwback to play with you all again. I believe Twigg will be on Skeram, Alliance.
I saved a few names on Pagle but will probably make a toon tonight on Westfall since the first servers are packed!
Dragoth! Oh man! That was his name. I miss that old guy. How’s he doing? I plan on remaking Wings of Bahamut at some point, too. I was really young at the time as well so I understand.
Let me know what server you pick. Maybe we can level some toons. Hit me up!
Downtime/DT. I was a rogue/priest in The Sky Asunder and Dark Horizon on Alliance back in vanilla.
Did you guys make it to Mankrik or stick it out on Pagle? Or did you even get in game yesterday lol. The “queue” boss is next lvl stuffs!!
I used to play a NE Druid, Adendagdas, and a Gnome Mage, Lighte. I remember doing alot of the leveling on my druid together.
I’ve a human priest on Pagle (but the queues are often), so mostly I’ve been playing horde on Westfall.
I’m on Old Blanchy since that was easiest que on Monday. I did want to roll a horde so I will get on Westfall when the time comes.
This is pretty bad, but I don’t remember the name of my guild, or the two players we had in it. My husband at the time and I played Airelinn (this toon) and Solomon (a nelf rogue). Our guild mates were a Nelf (rogue?) and a dwarf (hunter?).
The other Nelf was a woman in her 50’s at the time, when no one believed girls played wow let alone one in her 50’s. Real sweet lady; reminded me of my mom. Described to me she had a hard time aiming the camera for a while just like my mom and I did when when we first started play. We had a real casual guild and didn’t run instances a lot because we had a lot going on irl but we’d have little pow wows around in game fires and my husband and I basically played at AH quite a bit if I wasn’t trolling ppl in OT forum.
The dwarf was a dad and his daughter looked just like him…she was young at the time, like 4-5yrs old? He was in networking and was around servers all day, if I remember correctly. His ex was giving him issues with custody, I think. Really nice guy. His irl name started with an R maybe, or that may have been his toon…
We all quit playing around the same time for a while due to life circumstances. I came back one husband less a year or two later and they were all gone. If either of you are around or see this - let me know! Definitely miss you both and was sad when blizz switched up the in-game friends thing with battlenet and I lost track.
I do remember you. We leveled and played quite a bit together iirc
Whats up guys! This really is a blast from the past, I came back for classic haha. I’m not a snarky little 14 year old kid anymore that you all were so awesome at putting up with back in the day
I have such great memories from raiding in Rapture and all the time spent getting to know all of you guys in Vent. You all were some pretty cool dudes for letting a foul mouth little kid like myself be apart of an epic guild. If any of you ever get together or want to catch up let me know!
-James aka Ragnark
I’m Xrita, Dwarf Paladin.
Think the name of the guild was < JUiCE >
raided MC, BWL, Ony. Started AQ40 but only got a few bosses down.
It’s been a while… forgotten just about everyone’s names.
Silky, the night elf warrior tank
or Delsius the priest
I think I remember raiding with Granddad. Warrior yeah?
Paime here. Druid. I was in a few different guilds: The Big Red One, and Child of Cenarius.
I’m looking for any of those players or anyone else. I also remember this Paladin who ran around with the catchphrase: Iakona, The Greatest Paladin in the World!
Can’t remember if it was Uldum or Uldaman - Tmoon NE Hunter with the cat that started the MC pull of Garr by accident… My bad… LOLz I’m playing the same toon name on Mankrik, but only casually now. I don’t really remember the guild name, I just remember the trauma I went through when I saw my cat running across the screen when nobody was ready for the boss pull…
anyone from the guild Something Awesome? hit me up.
Quikshot Night Elf Hunter on Alliance side.
Played under the guilds The Sky Asunder which merged into Dark Horizon for PVE progression. I cleared through MC/BWL/AQ40(except cthun) and part way through Naxx before getting deployed. If I remember correctly Harcos was the gm of Dark Horizon.
Playing on Skeram server as horde for classic.
Hey Downtime, dunno if you remember a Human Warlock named Fera, but i do remember you! Im playing Horde this time around on Kromcrush. I believe the bulk of Dark Horizon ended up rerolling on a new server once BC came out, But i did not follow.