UI windows

In the new expansion, are they going to update the character screen window?

If not… Blizzard please, it’s about time.

What I think they should do:

Let all windows to be movable;
Make windows larger and include item level texts for equipment, gems, and enchantments (similar to the ilvl addon);
Improve the guild window;
Improve the group finder window, including more options like allowing only healers to join certain groups, or only DPS, only tanks, etc…

And about guilds:
We really need an interesting window, the member list should be the main window in the center with the character’s face, chat should be something on the side - character names in the world should have the guild logo, and the logo should be customizable with the upload of a small image, not just preset in-game.

They have been updating parts of the UI regularly. The Group Finder just got an update recently, so you might be out of luck for a while on those new ideas.

The initial patch for The War Within includes a complete redesign of the spellbook, changes to the map/tracking options, and some minor adjustments to the quest log.

I think everyone agrees that the guild interface and all guild rewards/perks/etc. need a complete overhaul, but there’s no news about that yet.

I suspect we will receive a roadmap for the rest of the year once we get closer to The War Within launch, and that roadmap could give us an idea of other UI updates to expect. But right now, we’re in the dark until the roadmap is expanded.

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