UI Scale changes in TWW

Please revert the UI scale back to pre-TWW version. This is horrible.

I used to play with UI scale of 80% because i wanted bigger action bars and player bar, but in prepatch, everything scales up, including warbands and its all terribly oversized, some of the texts are not even fully visible on screen.

Atleast separate UI scale options for Bars and everything else…


Yeah, I was wondering about that.

I thought I had the screen where I liked it, and then I hit escape to log out of the game, and HOLY CRAP, the BUTTONS … they look like buttons that belong on a phone game, lol.

They are way too big and oversized.

But yet if I shrink the UI scale, then the hotbar buttons get too tiny and it’s hard to see recasts and stuff.


You guys dont have phones?


I have a 3440x1440 monitor. Why does the UI act like I have a 1280x720 monitor?

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This post from another thread nails it.

There isn’t a single good UI change in this patch.


Meh, if there was a good image sharing that didn’t suck, I’d shoot a screenshot…

I once used discord but now apparently if you don’t C&P some 500+ character link, it’ll just simply not work, which is stupid.

i’ve been saying this for days, and couldn’t quite put it in correct words. the opening screen just before the character select screen shows up, everything is tiny or seems that way to me.

I have done many UI scale changes, resolutions…etc etc and nothing fixes it. Not to mention that the menu buttons are HUGE!.. That’s not even touching the text on the buttons that are shifted down to the bottom of the button and not centered.

Get the Moveany addon and you can fix (scale) everything but context menu items.

Most addons that I’ve seen for the UI screw with the graphics/font/etc which is not desired. I like the regular in-game font, and I like the regular in-game menu buttons, graphics, etc.

I just don’t want them taking up 30% of my screen.

But I’ve seen some of these addons use some of the most gaudy looking fonts and visual design I’ve ever seen.

No effing thanks.

It’s also one of the reasons I don’t like watching people playing WoW on youtube or twitch or what-not because some of those UIs are just atrocious and hilariously ugly.

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I can confirm that moveany alleviates some of these problems. You can right click and drag to resize individual component’s scaling. Was the only way I could get the escape menu to not be massive. Now it looks like it did before.

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It doesn’t change the graphics, font, etc at all?

Nope. It only allows you to move and resize existing UI elements.

Moveany literally let’s you move windows and change scaling. That’s all it does.


Then it’s not like the other addons I’ve seen, that’s nice that someone finally made one that ONLY does that and nothing else.

and how about texts, even the text are bugged since this, revert this change please

Yeah I noticed that if I scale my UI, text becomes distorted so I changed it back.

They are just determined to make the UI as bad as possible.