UI Reset question

Hi all,

I am having some UI issues, including “internal auction error”, which a UI reset seems to be the recommended way to go for a solution.

Having not played in almost 2 years, I forgot a lot of things…if I create new cache/interface/wtf folders, does this mean all my addon settings will also be gone?

Like keybindings on bartender, or bindings for clique, grid settings etc.

How can I save those if they will be gone?


Have you got the latest version of all your addons and are they compatible with the version of the client that is causing problems…

You might be better off deleting the addons causing the problems rather than everything and starting from scratch.

Interface contains the Addons themselves.
WTF contains all your settings (addons included).

You can temporarily rename (and preferably backup) both and the game will create new default ones so you can either delete and rename back later (losing anything you’ve done in the meantime) or use to copy addons/settings back if you know what you’re doing.

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