I may have just figured out this issue. I had noticed that the modern preset and the classic preset were both working fine but not with my custom one. I tried all kinds of things but I really noticed a change when I moved some of my extra action bars away so they’re not lined up with any other bars and not touching any either. Try moving some of your action bars so they are further away and see if that helps.
i uninstalled and clean installed with all my custom UI schemes deleted. created a new one once everything was fresh and clean. still does it. Also Duration Bars seems to be off be default so i have to turn that on each time i log in and double check for some of those delves where you can drown or you dont get the breath bar on your screen. Testing the duration bars thing in dalaran pond, it just decides at random to turn itself off at will. Great.
Can confirm, I deleted my custom layouts and created new copies. The UI is now loading correctly on all toons. Thanks!
I noticed that when i made my custom UI it would do that exact same thing… the reason is because the pixels overlap on to another piece of the layout. Check when your moving it if the outline is red or like the normal border like everything else.
im having the same issue, had it for months, just tired of dealing with it… did you ever find a fix?>
I’m also still having this issue… started in 11.0.5 for me…
I am still having this issue, sent a ticket in and deleted a couple folders as they instructed and that didnt work then I responded that the issue is still there, then they closed my ticket…
disable element snapping in edit mode
Thank you that has worked so far!!! You are awesome! Worked on 4 toons then on the fifth it went back to being bugged…
this has been an ongoing ui bug for quite a while now. ive not encountered this exact version of the bug (probably bc i use addons for action bars) but my screen resolution gets messed up sometimes when opening the game and everything looks fuzzy and the edges of my ui are just off the screen entirely like it cuts off half my minimap and i lose one entire action bar on the bottom. so far from what ive seen it’s related to some sort of overlay when closing and opening the game. i posted about my encounters with the bug and someone commented about how they had another game that was just always running and also happened to have an overlay. they turned off the overlay in that game and never encountered the issue again. the only overlay that i have (that im aware of) is discord. personally i just temporarily fix the issue whenever it pops up by either changing the game resolution to something else and then changing it back or by changing the game window to either be fullscreen/windowed or changing which monitor it opens on and back again. basically anything that changes the resolution in any way will kind of reset it and put it back to normal screen bounds until you log out again. if you log out normally instead of like alt+f4 or something then the settings should adjust and itll open the normal way next time. but with that method its only a matter of time before it happens again. basically, blizzard needs to fix their s!@# bc this is incredibly annoying.
Bug still going strong but as of yesterday has gotten worse, for me at least.
I used to be able to go to Options–>Graphics–>Display Mode and change it from Fullscreen(Windowed) to Windowed, hit Apply and then Cancel for it to snap back to the correct window size. As of yesterday, when I hit Cancel, it’s the right size but it defaults my resolution to 800x600 so I have to change that back as well.
I also experience the issue where the screen resolution gets screwed up and not scaled right, along with the UI resetting. This happens on every single character. It seems like the problem is one or the other, never both at the same time.
My solution is to disable V-Sync and hit apply, which fixes both issues and resets* the UI back to how I had it. I’ll then turn V-Sync back on and continue on with my grind, until the next time I have to login. Rinse and Repeat every time.
It finally happened to me. lol. Only once. Thankfully I have it backed up. lol
I have had this issue with only one of 3 toons. Issue began in December. I had to revver to the original wow layout then delete the character specific edit-mode-cache-character in the WTF (account) folder. Logged back into WoW and imported the layout I wanted. Still had the issue until I followed someones advice above - move the bar slightly off the edge of screen
I posted this earlier. See if this helps
mine has the issue any time i get into a vehicle in the game (other than a mount) and then it takes my 4th button bar and covers up my 3rd…annoying as helll