I disabled all my addons in hopes it was an addon issue but doesn’t seem to be. Running into the area of my screen in the upper left-hand side.
Clicking X to leave social window
Upper dropdowns on map
Clicking X to leave Macros window/interacting within Macros window
Any addons in the upper left-hand corner when addons are active
I ran /fstack and before I disabled my addons, the coordinates would freeze in that area. Disabling my addons does allow the coordinates to show.
Running /fstack also allows me to interact with the items I was unable to interact with. X on social window works, map dropdowns works. Once I leave /fstack nothing interacts anymore after a short while, but will still immediately after.
Any insight?
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Possibly some other application putting up an overlay that doesn’t contain anything visible drawn into it but intercepts interactions in that area.
Would that be within WoW only-?I disabled all my addons. I don’t have the issue outside of WoW
HAving the same issue on classic
Had the same issue yesterday, if I moved my cursor to a second monitor and clicked it, thus putting WoW in the background, the cursor would return to a gauntlet when I moused over my WoW monitor. I could then click that corner once and then it would return to a windows pointer.
I was able to fix this by changing from full screen (windowed) to just windowed. Once I saw it functioned properly this way, I switched it back to full screen (windowed) and it has been working properly for the last 12 hours. Fingers crossed this somehow fixed it!
I’m already playing windowed mode. But good suggestion.
It’s not happening on all my characters at the same time but when I return to characters it was doing it on, it isn’t when I return to them a little later but then eventually reverts again.
same issue. doesnt happen on all toons only a few of them and it doesnt matter if the addons are enabled or not same issue persists
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I’m seeing the same issue, and that is with/without addons.
Its Discord, close it and issue goes away, it seems to be their overlay for trying to make you stream.
this!!! thank you so much
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came here to say this! thanks for sharing!
that fixed the issue for me as well