UI Bugs with M1 MacBook Pro?

Awesome! Any ETA on the hot fix? :slight_smile:


Thanks! You guys are the best. Is there any estimated time for the patch?


Has this been fixed yet? I’m having some odd issues on my MacBook Pro (2019 15") and I’m not sure if it’s this issue or a new one. I’ve had terrible FPS since the expansion launch (used to get between 30-60, now down to 11-15, sometimes 20 at best) fps.

And just starting today I’m having an issue where the game will suddenly freeze and the UI will look…odd. Half of it disappears, some looks pixelated, etc. I also notice weird graphical bugs in the battle.net client after I click the Play button. I’ll try to screen cap these issues next time they happen.

I am also having this issue where if I let my computer sit for a bit, long enough for the screen to turn off, when I come back, sometimes WoW is completely frozen. When I tab out suddenly its fine, stuff moves normally when it’s not the active window, but when I go back to WoW, it’s frozen again, and I have to do a force quit to close it as I can’t even bring up the menu.

Just wanted to know if this is due to the issue that’s already known, or something else entirely.

Another bug identified:

If I try to drag “Summon Random Favorite Mount” to my action bar, it only gives me the first mount I have in my journal and doesn’t allow me to actually set that button.

I can still summon a random favorite from the journal, but unable to bring down the button, which is annoying.

I am still having this Pet Journal bug and it’s driving me crazy, but i did find a workaround for this specific issue: make a macro with this command (you can change the tooltip icon)

#showtooltip Invincible
/run if SecureCmdOptionParse"[nomod]"then C_MountJournal.SummonByID(0)end

and that will do a workaround to summon your fave’d mounts

Still having the pet journal bug sadly. So not with today’s maintenance.

Still going through the same issues listed by OP
Btw is details (the damage meters add on) not working properly for other as well?


Details is also broken for me, as well as ShadowedUF. It’s a lot of bugs rn.

Is there an estimated time of completion for the hot fix? My main character since 2008 is a healer and I can not do my job, if I can see no group members in dungeons, battle grounds or raids.


It will be rolled into whatever the next bug fix patch is. Which I am sure they will not disclose until it happens.

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That would be a patch, not a hotfix.

Technically a hot fix is just a type of patch. At least in the development teams I have worked in.


But not one that needs to for other patches to get deployed.

I just got the new M1 Macbook Pro today and the Raid frames UI along with the colors for specific classes in general chat do not show.

Any update on when this will be fixed?

I just got the new M1 Macbook Pro today and the Raid frames UI along with the colors for specific classes in general chat do not show.

Any update on when this will be fixed?

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I haven’t been able to use my Battle Pets since the launch of Shadowlands on my M1 MacBook Pro… wtf is going on??? I can’t even reach support about this.

I’m pretty sure this WAS working just fine as I was playing pretty exclusively on my new M1 MacBook Air… but since yesterday I noticed that the Raid UI frames weren’t working correctly anymore (I’m 99.99% sure I would’ve noticed before, right?) and the Details add-on is reporting just one character… not even my own information. Bizarre.

I’d guess they’re applying hot fixes to try to fix problems, but must be popping up new ones. :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh well. #grateful for the Mac team! I hope we get it sorted soon – loving this new MBA!

It is actually possible to run the Release x64 version on a M1 Mac.

One just need to right click (alt/option + click) on the WoW Application in the finder, click on “Info” and and set a checkmark at “Open using Rosetta” and one can play the game using the Intel version without the interface bugs.

However, I hope the native client will be fixed soon.


Thank you so much. This fixed ALL my ui bugs! Good temp fix.

I’m a Windows user (and on x64 for that matter) so I wouldn’t know, but I noticed that a new WoW version was released today. Maybe that fixed it?