Uh, I got a 403 error on the forums

Was bored, decided to go in development sub forums

But I added Dragonflight to the end of the URL, to see if it becomes a 404, this happens instead

What could this mean…? Alpha/pre orders coming soon?

Sorry Clark, being a huge white night defending Blizzard/WoW Team at every turn does not give you special access to Alpha/Beta Forums.


Probably not but I did get BfA alpha at one point :smiley:

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I hope so. I want to see that new UI in action so bad.

Sorry Clark like I said in Discord maybe they’ll owe you one.

A really good way to get into an expansion beta is to get CE with your guild before raid testing starts.

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I got into the pre alpha… it’s purely imaginary. Also they added werebears and pink dragons

:dragon: :bear: :dragon: :bear: :dragon: :bear:

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Means they know who you are Clark and they’re keeping an eye on you. I would disconnect from the servers and move out as far away from Blizzard’s monitoring.

Most likely the web team set up the URL routing but don’t have the pages ready for production so they don’t have permissions set for the public to access.

403 is thrown when access is denied.

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Pink werebears incoming


Would be hilarious if you got perma banned for extreme shilling.


No bears but found wolves

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:


Too high drive
senses strive
Access Denied
Eternal Night
. . .

I made a thing


there’s a new UI?

In DF. It’s one of the new features of the expac. Nothing fancy though. Just uprezzed textures and a tweak to the layout basically.

nothing to make me drop zperl, huh…

I’ll still be using Dominos myself. It’s highly unlikely the new UI will give the same level of customisation Dominos does.

We don’t know how far the hosts goes. I’m hoping it’s fully interactive and I can drop elvui and every other actionbar and ui addon.

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