UH DK and CD Bloat?

Why do unholy dk’s feel like they still have too many cd’s

I get that i’m no UH expert and prefer frost but wanted to learn UH

Like there are three 45 second CD and two (or 1 depending on talents) at 1:30 and 3:00 respectively.

It seems to me like combine the three 45 second cd’s into one and save buttons? Like When you push apoc it then also transforms your pet?

I get skill issue :stuck_out_tongue: but i mean just my thoughts :smiley: UH seems fun but it just feels so cd bloated that it makes me feel like there is a “nuclear launch sequence still” although I bet it is still better than before.

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There still are too many cooldowns, but yes it has been scaled back. I personally don’t like the idea of combining dark transformation with apocalypse because apocalypse has a wind up and melee component, and sometimes you just want to pop dark transformation for the extra kick on your ghoul charge. Having to setup apoc before you can do so would really put a dent in the PvP utility.

Also combining the cooldowns would do nothing to address our damage profile issues, with it still being too far towards stacking cooldowns leaving us with terrible sustained damage outside of CDs, which really sucks as unholy’s damage is already divided between spells, strikes, dots and pets. Unholy could be a fun resource management and multitasking spec, but the cooldowns are taking all the air out of the room.

I would rather a choice node between the two, apocalypse or dark transformation and reworking the dependent talents to work on both, but that’s just my 2c.


seeing as how the only damage profile I know of is from logs (and not exp) I chose not to address that as I can not speak with any authority on that matter

I feel/felt the only perspective I could offer is from a person trying to get into the spec (either brand new or as a “SL baby” such as myself) who still find this daunting to get into. I have gotten CE, 2700, Duellist in pvp and even for me its much to intimidating to play

Like if I could go into a pull hit Dark Transformation and army and nothing else I could see myself loving it.


You want to have Sudden Doom, Eternal Agony and be using abilities between auto attacks. It seems like some people approach unholy like they need to pop all their cd’s as well as use every rune they got at the start of a fight. But something like two festering strikes, at least one auto attack and then Scourge Strike, auto attack fallowed by another Scourge Strike will likely get you at least one sudden doom proc with enough runic power built up for a couple death coil’s after you used the proc. Use dark transformation right before using that sudden death proc as well. That one sec added to dark transformation by Eternal Agony does seem like a joke. But when you leave space in your rotation to get in at least one auto attack before using a ability that costs runs helps leverage Sudden Doom procs and build up runic power for fallow up death coils. So despite eternal agony only adding 1 sec per death coil you can end up adding 4 sec or more by leveraging sudden doom procs. Also you can fallow auto attack after a scourge strike with Apocalypse to add even more undead to the party and likely have at least one horse men on the field too.

Pretty sure there is a build for m+ that forgoes apoc, though it may have changed with the patch I haven’t looked lol

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You get used to eat then it becomes pretty easy to be honest. Atleast it’s fun though imo

Only other thing I can think of is to keep in mind that Unholy is all about burst damage. So you will have peaks and valleys in damage. Making timing your cd’s part of the game. Like during a boss fight you want to have runic power stacked up and most your runes ready to go when the bosses health is at or below 35%. That way you can hit them with Soul Reaper and gain Runic Corruption. After you gain Runic Corruption from S.R. it is time to put the pedal to the metal and hit them with a the high damage abilities we have.

It might seem like Runic Corruption isn’t that great but with the sheer amount of runic power you are using during a major burst attacks you will have runes to use on the abilities to use that use runes and have a sorter cd.