Ugh my 503 demon hunter tank got spanked

On Tuesday morning (before patch) I was playing with a few people on my level 70 demon hunter and I was able to pull full zones and smashed them down as a tank spec. I tried playing yesterday but the lag was just so horrible.

Today theres no lag, so i went into a follower dungeon (im level 73 now) and I couldnt even kill 1 single mob, i was taking a dot damage (nothing was hitting me) but i was takign 50k to 87k a second damage…

what the heck is going on? is this a bug? I dont want to play with random strangers, I like solo play (thats why i play a demon hunter tank)… now i cant even kill a sheep again at level 73 with 503 item level… that should be godly

They implemented a change to the game that all DHs now take consrant ticking damage for being a DH


did it enjoy it tho

503 isnt that high, even for DF level

That would be a great first step :smiley:

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Me next me next

I wish…

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on Tuesday morning, I was able to pull all of a dungeon (roughly 98 mobs) and not even come close to getting down to 50% life. I had a giant pile of corpses… now a sheep can kill me…

Good. Glad to hear DH are getting nerfed into oblivion. They had it good long enough.

This didn’t happen.

Why do I get the feeling we just entered Goldshire?

Nerfed into oblivion is a vast overstatement.

Fel Scarred’s big burst from defensive cooldowns, plus an 8 second cooldown on infernal strike perfectly fits the old S1 Shadowlands Burst with stacked cooldowns, then kite playstyle.

Given that this is talking about ILVL 503, it’s clearly about normal dungeons, so while I haven’t done heroics yet, my experiences with normals should still be relevant for this particular situation.

I just finished the main campaign and decided to try out vengeance tanking last night to finish up the last four levels, and I was still able to do wall to wall/boss pulls with every group except the single one where the DPS were all really bad, as in lower damage than my defensively talented tank on bosses bad. With everyone else it worked out really well.

Yeah that was not intended. You will not be albe to pull an entire dungeon in TWW.

503 is high enough. It’s normal raid level gear.
It was enough to ROFLPWN my way to 80 before the patch on a mage.

No idea how it feels now, but the nerf must suck, specially for non DPS roles.

I have wanted this FOREVER

from my understanding tanks got hit with the nerf stick and then as they fell they hit every nerf branch on the tree on the way down, then the developers beat them with a nerf branch before violating them with a nerf stick. Best tank now is the one who doesnt die from a trash mob on the first pull.

i could have misinterpreted the patch notes and countless website findings im not really sure.

When that Immolation Aura bites back

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Well, there’s your problem! You’re playing a Demon Hunter, not a Sheep Hunter!

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Skill issue.