UD Warlock LF casual guild

We are a social guild with 4 raid teams. Our priority is the community first and foremost. The main reason we have 4 raid teams is to have activeness online at all hours of the day so when someone logs in there are always people to enjoy the game with. We do intend on raiding as far as we can go. That being said we would love to kill C’thun in AQ40 and Kel’thuzad in NAXX. But being honest we may not “kill them” unless the guild is willing to put both the time and effort to do so.

If your looking for a place to be casual and enjoy the game through the first few years of classic wow we would be a good fit for you. As far as AQ and Naxx are concerned in phases 5 and 6… we will require our raiders to have the necessary “essentials” for progression if they want to progress to the end bosses and secure kills. The fights may be easier then mythic encounters in the retail game… but the gear checks can only be countered by everyone’s preparation before the raid.