Everytime i get to the scenerio after i put the scale in and go to place take one step i will get dc’d. I cant log in my character after or i will just be stuck in a constant dc. I have to log into another character to get out of the disconnecting where ill be at the area before the scenerio start in the cave. Its been 2 days of me getting this ive even tried turning off all my add ons and it still does it.
I also tried abandoning the quest and regetting it i still cant get past it
Edit so i went back after multiple days of trying and getting dc’d and finally was able to do the quest and get my toy from finishing it.
I think that I may have found a solution here, although I can’t say why it works. If I move my toon using only the backwards walking arrow and right and left arrows (NOT the forwards walking arrow and NOT using mouse clicks for movement), I can move through the instance and even kill enemies. I went thought half of the instance using only the backwards walking and sideways arrows (and never the forwards walking arrow or mouse). At that point, I thought, oh, I must be past whatever problem there was at the start. So I switched to the forward walking arrow (because the movement would be much faster), and my toon immediately froze and disconnected. So I’m about to start the instance over and use only the backwards and side to side arrows to see if I can make it to the finish. Fingers crossed.
I have the same problem, i need a solution too,infinite dc on my character, please blizzard 
well, my solution involving walking backwards only worked until I got to Zakajz’s illusions of the aspects. And then when he says, “Would you like to see?” I’m disconnected again :-\ All that backwards walking for nothing. Sigh.
i get the same. when i get to Zakajz’s illusions of the aspects and fight them it crashes
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Same issue here, permanent crashes from this quest.
Same prob. very frustrating. Would love to see a blue post!
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I finally filed a support ticket because, of the three bug report posts I’ve found about this subject, no one has found a solution. I’ll let you all know if the ticket results in a solution.
I sent a ticket too but blizz is not answering, im gonna cry 
I’m having the exact same problem! Mac users?
Dear fellow Monks and other people with this problem.
Here is the solution that worked for me:
Monks: Change out of Windwalker Spec and make sure the Windwalking Buff has rolled off before going into the scenario.
It seems that any ability, buff, or the like that changes your speed breaks the defined movement speed of the Tyr-vehicle.
Other classes, please check if anything gave you a movement buff (I think Death Knights have a thing that guarantees them a fixed speed that can’t be interrupted).
I could perfectly complete the scenario moving forward in Brewmaster Spec.
I hope enough people read this - Please copy and spread it in other forums.
May our speed buffs be with us…
… my main is a Monk… No Idea why this has me as a Deathknight…
Sorry this didn’t work for me, and my main is a hunter. Switched specs with no buffs and still did not work
Worked for me as a fellow monk. Thanks so much! I almost gave up on it already.
It worked for mee too, the windwalker buff (monk) was bugging my quest. Thanks you <3
I also had to remove the windwalker talent from my monk to complete the quest. I wished I had checked back on this bug report rather than waiting for my ticket to be answered. But it was confirmed to me from a Game Master (in response to my support ticket) that turning off the windwalker talent for monks solves this issue for almost everyone who is a monk. I’m sorry that other non-monks are experiencing the problem as well because the solution that worked for me won’t help you. But perhaps try switching other talents in your talent pane? Maybe something there will allow you to move forward like it did for my monk. Best of luck! (P.S. The Game Master also confirmed that Blizz is getting many reports of this problem, and yet, they have no surefire solution. They suggested that I file a bug report so that the developers are aware, even though when I wrote my question, I said that I’d already filed a bug report and that there were at least 3-4 others already active on the same topic.)