Tyrande fails even harder than before (SL spoilers)

LOL I finally got unmuted because of b hurt nightelf stans so now I can reply :rofl:

Tyrande directly kills everyone at Teldrassil and Lordanel, by not going with Saurfang to negotiate a surrender and failing to give a stand down order to the soldiers dying at Lordanel, who believed that they were still defending something that their leader gave away. and handing Teldrassil to Sylvanas was the same as killing everyone on the island as Sylvanas has systemically murdered people she has captured in the past and Tyrande should know this from reports during the war in Cata or she should have been informed about it when the banshee became Warchief and relocated to Kalimdor.

Tyrande isn’t some damsel in distress shes a capable combatant and individually more powerful than the rest of the sentinels combined her place was dying on the shoreline of Lordanel like many other leaders in wow have (Varian, Anduin Lothar, Anastirian, even Elisande) not hearthing to Stormwind to save her boyfreind but time and again Tyrande prioritizes her own personal relations over the needs and safety of the people she governs.

She runs off to save Malfurion from Xavius leaving Darnassus in the hands of Feandel facilitating his plans to corrupt the Island. she flies off to Feralas to save Shandris during the brunt of the cataclysm flying right over Auberdine where dozens or hundreds of her people have died or are dying depending on how big the town was in the lore, and after Shandris had done her job admirably and evacuated the island and stayed behind to die the way good soldiers have done throughout history (something Tyrande notices but doesn’t learn from). Tyrande chose the temple of Elune over Malfurion in legion but then sacrifices thousands of her fellow believers and priestesses in a much Larger temple a year later over the same choice probably because she knew Xavius had no intention to kill Malfurion unlike Sylvanas and because Malfurion had already beaten Xavius 5 times before anyway.

Tyrande is THE WORST faction leader even worse than baine only because baine has killed less people with his incompetence and has even saved lives with it and ended wars.

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Nah you where muted cause you are lying about the story


prove where I lied

Grandblade already did

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While I agreed with some of your first points, this is ridiculous.

First of all, Teldrassil was going to burn regardless, even if Malfurion or Saurfang died there.

Secondly, if Tyrande stayed in Darkshore, they would’ve killed off Tyrande AND made Teldrassil burn. Instead they just made Teldrassil burn, and the latter option is a lot better because now the story can go on, even if 8.1 was a huge failure.


and Murroz gave evidence for my claim that the amalgamation is not the source of the souls you save you instead obliterate the souls in side it. the souls you free are chained up in another room. thanks for Admitting you false flagged me BTW :rofl: :rofl:

if they were dead no matter what than her place was at the shore buying time for evacuees sometimes captains go down with the ship. a person who is unwilling to make a sacrifice play is unfit to lead that why I hope Tyrande stays in the shadowlands and Shandris can take the helm she obviously cares more about her people.

Incorrect. Sylvanas had evidenced and outright admitted that right from the get go, her plan was to kill Malfurion. Had she gone to Teldrassil, when it was already all but captured, she would have died - a fact that Saurfang, the man that masterminded the entire invasion of Darkshore, directly told her. Tyrande was faced with a choice - go to Stormwind to help aid the refugees there already (allowing both her and Malfurion to live, and not bereft the Kaldorei of their leadership in a crisis), or go to Teldrassil and die pointlessly, leaving the tree still captured. Tyrande picked the best choice available for her people at the time.

As for the tree burning - the only person who knew it would burn is Sylvanas, because it was her plan all along. Not to aid the Horde, just to bloat the Maw with all the souls within. Tyrande didn’t know it. Not even Saurfang knew it, and he planned the whole invasion. You’re holding Tyrande accountable for not having the meta knowledge we as players have.

There was no surrender to be negotiated if Tyrande went with Saurfang. Just death.

… what? Tyrande did no such thing. She identified that Teldrassil was captured, and rather than go and die pointlessly, she decided to live another day to reclaim it. She didn’t know Sylvanas would burn it - nobody did. Even knowing Sylvanas, burning Teldrassil was nothing resembling a strategic Horde move, as was its purpose.

Past that, she literally returned to Darkshore and WON. She undid all of the Horde’s claims to Kaldorei territory in the War of the Thorns.

Hearthing to Stormwind was literally prioritizing her people, and her people agreed. She had to decide between her people being homeless and leaderless, and just homeless. It was the lesser of two evils.

Everything in your post was utter BS, and I feel dumber as a whole for having been exposed to it. Please take your raging hate-on for Tyrande and stick it somewhere else, because clearly you can’t write anything resembling a coherent or impartial argument with it.


if Tyrande didn’t know that her people would be exterminated systemically by Sylvanas when they were captured than shes an idiot or ignorant of all intelligence coming out of Lorderon.

delaryn and the others fighting on the shore and in the water didn’t know that the forces preparing to defend a siege of Ruthren village didn’t either because their supreme commander didn’t tell them she hearthed away from a deserted forest.

except all the ones that perished terribly who didn’t know or discuss it with Tyrande in advance

the horde surrendered the land because they felt bad which is not a military victory for Tyrande by any stretch of the imagination

thank you for quoting billy madison at me I also watched 90s comedies as a child, but dismissing my post doesn’t challenge any of the evidence I gave to Tyrandes poor leadership.

Nothing you just said disproved anything I just said. You just restated your original assertion and hoped it’d magically become true.

Nice try. Anyway, on behalf of Wyrmrest Accord, Story Forum, I apologize for this guy. Most of us on the server are more coherent.


“Retreat is not weakness, it is strategy”

As usual despite what people may say Tyrande was right. She managed to get back all their lands and is on her way to save the ones who died.
Staying There against all odds would have accomplished nothing. People would have still died. The tree would still burn and we’d have no way of reclaiming what’s ours without Tyrande.


Maybe not. If the Horde had no reason to burn it, the Warchief giving the order would be far more easily questioned by… well, everyone.

more people would have been able to escape via the portals not to mention Tyrande could have taken the fight to Sylvanas herself and in a pinch Elune can make a personal shield that Archimonde and Azshara couldn’t break. its actually highly likely that Tryande could have 1v3d Saurfang Nathanos and Sylvanas. sometimes retreat is just cowardice and stupidity and being a love-struck schoolgirl over some over-hyped mutant .

Man, I’m not a fan of Tyrande either but you just sound unreasonable and you come off with this bizarre hate-on for her when the whole story’s junk from top to bottom.


I dont like tyrande or malfurion they are bad leaders, bad characters and they hog the spotlight from way more interesting characters like Broll, Shandris, Mieve, and Jarod I want them to go away so other stories can be told other than their bizarre and awkward relationship.

Imagine spending years debating this.


What else is this forum gonna do

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^^ this

As a longtime member of the Mead Hall, WrA’s dwarven community, I also apologize on behalf of this guy. Givin’ us a bad name.


They needed to kill off Malfurion.

Keeping him alive serves no purpose now.

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You mean why they’re angry enough to join the people who killed their people, and help them kill even more of their people? Well… yeah.


I don’t even care for Tyrande myself, but it is amusing to see how much some people will go out of their way to hate on her. All in a narrative that already has a disturbing dislike for her and has gone out of its way to destroywhat credibility she had…