LOL I finally got unmuted because of b hurt nightelf stans so now I can reply
Tyrande directly kills everyone at Teldrassil and Lordanel, by not going with Saurfang to negotiate a surrender and failing to give a stand down order to the soldiers dying at Lordanel, who believed that they were still defending something that their leader gave away. and handing Teldrassil to Sylvanas was the same as killing everyone on the island as Sylvanas has systemically murdered people she has captured in the past and Tyrande should know this from reports during the war in Cata or she should have been informed about it when the banshee became Warchief and relocated to Kalimdor.
Tyrande isn’t some damsel in distress shes a capable combatant and individually more powerful than the rest of the sentinels combined her place was dying on the shoreline of Lordanel like many other leaders in wow have (Varian, Anduin Lothar, Anastirian, even Elisande) not hearthing to Stormwind to save her boyfreind but time and again Tyrande prioritizes her own personal relations over the needs and safety of the people she governs.
She runs off to save Malfurion from Xavius leaving Darnassus in the hands of Feandel facilitating his plans to corrupt the Island. she flies off to Feralas to save Shandris during the brunt of the cataclysm flying right over Auberdine where dozens or hundreds of her people have died or are dying depending on how big the town was in the lore, and after Shandris had done her job admirably and evacuated the island and stayed behind to die the way good soldiers have done throughout history (something Tyrande notices but doesn’t learn from). Tyrande chose the temple of Elune over Malfurion in legion but then sacrifices thousands of her fellow believers and priestesses in a much Larger temple a year later over the same choice probably because she knew Xavius had no intention to kill Malfurion unlike Sylvanas and because Malfurion had already beaten Xavius 5 times before anyway.
Tyrande is THE WORST faction leader even worse than baine only because baine has killed less people with his incompetence and has even saved lives with it and ended wars.