Tyrael's Charger... Now They are Crying

I remain convinced that nobody will get their hands on my Flayed Demon Skin.

Speak for yourself. I don’t understand the appeal of FOMO. The Fel Drake doesn’t even look very good anyway.

Considering how interesting our times have been, the phrase “I was there” isn’t one to be said with much joy.

There’s nothing special about items that you just paid money for in a limited time window, who cares if they return it’s not like they are bringing back items that actually mattered when they had to be earned like say the corrupted ashbringer etc…

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That’s the irony, isn’t it?
By doing these changes they’re just doubling down on exclusivity, in that, people could have cool rare stuff from different parts of the game.
But only elites should have the cool rare stuff :clown_face:

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Good. Enjoy it. I have the Charger and I’m fine with them bring it back. Bring it all back, Blizz. Let people have fun.


Was the Fel Drake something people could only get with pre-purchase? Or a collector’s edition or something? It’s not like this is the first time they’ve done this.

I thought it was to look at furry race ladies wonderful posteriors.

That is exactly why I’ve been on the defense side of all this. All the surface level thinking players going “YEAH no more Gatekeeping and elitism!!!” don’t realize all this change just combines all the truly non-Elite players into one large Clone-account category of sameness and the genuinely hardcore crowd still gets to be “Above all us” taking pride in their collection of unique rare stuff we’ll never ever get.

When everything outside of Mythic Raids and high rated PvP becomes a Core Hound Mount or that Treeant they handed out to everyone…Yaaaaaay neato~We did it guys, we’re all exactly the same scrubs…

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I think I read, a while back, a post from a person who was deployed at the time of the original offer, and said that they wished they could’ve had the chance to get the mount. I hope they read this, and say “Hey! I’m gonna get me this mount, now that I have the chance!”

I hope so too, friend, I hope so too.

BTW, I have the mount from the promotion, and I am totally cool with Blizz giving everybody else a chance at obtaining it.


It does. No item re-released can take away your memories.

Good, I hope you enjoy it!

I enjoyed mine for many years.

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As someone who had adored the mount from the moment I saw it as a kid, I am now very happy that I have the opportunity to own it as an adult.


This might be the most pathetic thing I have ever read, touch grass loser. You are literally crying that others have the same participation award as you.

Uh. That’s not why I play.


As someone who played the tcg to get the feldrake I was pretty salty but the games dying anyways so let people have their welfare loot

Speak for yourself. As a Longboi owner, Mage Tower weapon wielder, and The Undying title sporter, I’d have zero problem with either being mainstream again.


I mean, to each their own, but please don’t presume to know what WoW’s core is or why “we” play, whoever “we” is.

To PvPers, PvP is Wow’s Core.
To Raiders, Raiding is Wow’s Core.
To Dungeoneers, Mythic+ is Wow’s Core.
Achievement hunters, transmog collectors, pet battlers, mount collectors, roleplayers, casual questers, to every player, something different is “Wow’s Core”.

If your core enjoyment from WoW comes from exclusivity and lording unavailable things over others to make them feel worthless or lesser, while making yourself feel bigger and better or just to get attention, you do you. I just don’t think that’s the reason why “we” play.

I play because its fun. Not to make others envious.


The core of WoW is not limited time mounts.

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