Tyrael's Charger for $25 ? WTF Blizzard?

This thread title is incorrect since you failed to include your monthly ISP bill with the price of the mount since you can’t access it without internet access.


Not up front you didn’t. And your sub fee only grants you access to the servers.

Limited time doesnt mean limited to only one run, it can still be limited time this time around as well and still stick to that definition.

And look at it this way if you already have it you can buy 25 dollars worth of tissues to help clean up those tears.

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You’re point is flawed because you keep thinking that you paid that year sub for the mount but make no mistake that’s a you issue because again, it was simply a free gift for purchasing WoW game time and nothing more.

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and now it is available for another “Limited Time”… I don’t know where you guys get it in your head some of these definitions you all have.

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arguing the meaning of free woooo!

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Don’t like it, unsub. Blizz won’t miss your sub fee with all the people buying this mount.

Need more white knights coming to this thread and defending Blizzard’s cash grab attempt.

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I didn’t say I will cancel

Serious questions, not being rude, what specifically is your problem with people getting it? Is it just wanting something to show off? Was there something special about obtaining it?

Your mascara is running. Let me clean you up with these mount pixels.

I’m not even buying it decided on the other bundle with seven items I didn’t have vs just that one horse, which my wife has and never uses.

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It was just a purchase, that isnt to what i was referring. Was there something that made acquiring this a special feat was my (clarified) question. It wasn’t restricted to any kind of achievement in game, it seems, just people willing to pay for a year up front. It doesn’t seem like it should vother you. How will you know if someone bought it back then or now?

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You didn’t even pay the year up front. You agreed to keep the sub active for one year.

It wasn’t even a purchase. All you had to do is agree to maintain your monthly subscription for 12 months. You didn’t have to pay upfront.

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I’m not even sure why anybody wanted this thing. It’s like Invincible from Wish.