Tyr is the symbol of the Paladins

Tyr is the symbol of the Paladins, and the Paladins worship the Light, but Tyr is a titan construct, and heretofore we haven’t seen an interaction between the Light and the Titans, have we?

What am I missing? Because that seems a little convoluted.

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You seem to be confusing Tyr with the Light. He wields the Light, just like any other holy user. He’s more like “their Ultimate Champion” than their god.

Titans wield all sorts of magic. Argus used Death, Khaz-whatever used elemental stuff, Eonar used Life, Aman Thul uses arcane/time/whatever, Sargeras used Fel. There’s more examples but by now you should see the pattern.

I know Tyr is not a Titan but just a construct, but others like him: Odyn, Freya,Loken whatever all use the same sort of logic.


Interesting. I didn’t know that about the titans. That makes the cosmology even more…quirky.

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I can’t find anywhere that claims Tyr wields the Light. But this is why the Paladins were inspired by him:


Prior to the nonsense of the recent(ish) cosmology chart, Titans were strongly aligned with the Light. They were the Good Guys :tm: and on Team Good Guy :tm:

Then we found out all of a sudden that “oh actually there’s a balance of forces and nobody is good or bad and it’s all perspective and balance or something I don’t know having strong moral stances is pretty cringe isn’t it?”


No… they were always Order/Arcane. That never changed. Lore was expanded later on, but their backstory with Order was always the same.

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Light is Order prior to cosmological rewrite. It builds up and creates and maintains.
Void brings about entropy and disorder.


We’d really need to catch Tyr before our Poke’dex can nail down his typing for sure. But I suspect he’s a psychic / fairy type. Which is a decent typing, honestly.


Titans never used Light until after Chronicle was released and only Odyn’s Forces did thus and they were known to use Necromancy. In all sources before Legion their Servants used Lightning, Frost or Astral Magics with the Well of Eternity being the only Feat tied to the Arcane.

Furthermore the Holy Magic using Titanic Watchers working for Tyr on the Dragon Isles use Holy Order Magic not Holy Light Magic according to the names of the Spells.

Holy Light Magic according to the Chronicle is the closest thing to True Light. Considering what Zereth Mortis’s Death Magic looks like it should be said that all Holy Magic is closer to what their respective Cosmic Force’s True Form than the usual variants of each Cosmic Force’s Magic.

In otherwords Holy Order Magic is the closest thing we can get to the True Order Magic from Zereth Ordus without having to actually go to the place to fetch it like we did the True Death Magic from Zereth Mortis.


They love to suggest that each Titan represents a part of the cosmology without ever explicitly saying it. If following this train of thought, Agrammar is the closest there is to a Titan of the Light–afaik he’s the only one seen wielding ‘conviction’ and ‘a big sword’ more than he does a specific type of magic like all the other Titans. And he also created Tyr.

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just ignore the cosmology chart.

it pigeonholes too much stuff and limits creativity.

The only real take away from it is where different races/species originated, not what powers they can use and what goals they have.


Do you not see the interaction between the Light and Titans in what you wrote?

Tyr was the symbol of the Paladins?

The Silver Hand worshiped the floating cursor that commanded them in the RTS. Pretty sure a paladin of Tyr in Warcraft signed up because they thought it meant free tier gear.


Nope. Never was.


As Brakkarion said, the original Warcraft Paladins were part of the Order of the Silver Hand, but the sort of inside joke was that the “Silver Hand” was the cursor that the Humans had while playing them; a plated silver hand, as opposed to the severed orc hand for the Orc campaign (Warcraft II).

It wasn’t until Blizzard decided that the Titan’s creations on Azeroth should be based on Norse Mythology that Tyr (based on… Týr) was added as a connection. Even then, though, they kinda made Tyr more of a teacher than anything else. He just taught the Vrykul the ways of the Light.

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There are titans that embody things other than Order. Though Tyr is just a watcher and not a Titan.

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You can see how this is confusing. But yes, i think they need to phase out that Cosmo chart. Creates more problems than clarity.


Less of a symbol, more of an archetype: the OG light-wielding smite-master. Although it’s not a direct path — Paladin-fu has been independently developed at least three times: by the Draenei, by the Zandalari, and by the Humans.

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This is a plot whole writers forgot the address when adding new lore.

However, it is easily explainable with “false idol worshipping”. This happens in real life as well, where humans worship or believe in something without actually knowing its true origin. Tyr’s legend was enough for humans to get inspired by.

The humans have very narrow views, things are either good(light) or bad(dark/shadow). If a legendary champion fought against unfathomable evil than his deeds are inspiration for good. This could be used to explain why good people who follow the light(paladins) take up on Tyr’s legacy and followed in his footsteps. These humans did not know that Tyr was a titan construct and his charge was to bring Order and nothing else.

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Funny enough, Mimiron hasn’t interacted with the Mechagnomes either. :robot: