Typo police here

Venthyr sanctum UI > Ember Court > A New Court

This UI contains text with an erroneous usage of the contraction “it’s.”

It’s is a contraction of “it is” or “it has.” Its is a possessive determiner we use to say that something belongs to or refers to something.

In the case of this usage, the possessive determiner “its” is correct - not the contraction currently shown in game.


Good catch. Don’t know if you’ve seen it, but there’s a typo/grammatical error megathread on the forums. You might want to post this there; it’ll probably have a higher chance of being seen by the devs.

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Wow, fixed same day. Nice, Blizzard.

Mistress Mihaela sells a Spectral Hankerchief (actually spelled handkerchief IRL) but it tells us we have to be Frinedly to get it. Um…

Draenor garrison gnomish gearworks worker asks for salvage “rites” when commander dies. Please revise to “rights”.

Maybe it was a play on words because a death was involved?

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derp :niger: