Typical experience pugging

It’s so weird seeing these complaints. I’ve got 7 characters running at least 4 keys a week each with a couple of them doing more than that. 5 of them have all their portals and 4 of them have all 20s timed on both weeks, the last 2 I haven’t done more than weekly keys on as I focus on one character at a time for portals.

I’ve never had to wait around for 30 minutes to fill a key, typically around 5-10 at most. I’d be willing to bet that there’s something else going on here like your score is too low for that key level. Running your own key can be a solution but not if you’re also trying to skip huge chunks of score; a 2k player isn’t going to get people to sign up to a 19 same as they wouldn’t get invited to a 19.

I will say the only specs I refuse to play with right now are MW monk and I try to avoid hunters. Also, this week I hate frost mage and destro lock (infernal stun RNG is cancer with sanguine).

You posted on an alt so we can’t actually get the full picture.

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How come? Just curious.

As someone with a holy paladin and a mw monk the difference is night and day.

Yea thats why i dont bother doing higher keys, plus from my experience running 15s in BFA people are just nasty at those lvl keys

I wonder if that assistant games director would do a better job then clueless ion, that guy looks like he cares and doesn’t act like a robot.

Game would most probably be better if someone else took control, someone more mature and not someone that acts like a child.

MW got a really nice rework in 10.1.7 but the new MT has a medium-high skill level to get maximum value to pull off. SoTC removed and that power basically put into a stacking buff that helps your mana tea (that also restores mana directly in addition to its previous effects).

This plus MWs normally low representation means that not many players have mastered it yet.

Then you have people like Megasett who make MW look easy even in 27s.

Today, I’m forming a group for a 19. We are waiting around for a tank for quite a while, about 30 minutes. eventually people leave.

Healer shortage has been fixed! Wow, the times move fast.

Can we get back to tank shortage and how tanking is hard threads now?

Game design can’t fix it, but the current meta-heavy, healing-intensive M+ tuning brings out an excess of negative emotions.

For example they could have certain mon abilities scale more than others. Unavoidable damage could be toned down in smaller keys as an example.

This way people aren’t surprised by challenge. — just the people that want that type of challenge get it.

They could also tone down the negative results of failure. For example, letting a key not drop in level for being 0.1s behind the timer

Hah oddly enough I am in your guild, with the toon Cet-Bloodhoof

Hopefully, I’m not derailing the thread by asking this question, but is it a lot easier (currently) to PuG with a holy paladin vs. mw monk for someone who is just starting out with healing?

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Yeah, holy is really strong you just have a cooldown for everything. And as a mw it feels bad when you’re put into a position where you can’t kick something.

People say list your own key so I do. One is a troll tank that sits in the water after I start the timer, while the other is one who wants to take 15 minutes to clear trash before any bosses and then gets knocked off a cliff and quits.

I then join several other keys and it’s just rage quit after rage quit was a weird a day for several keys.

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You need to vet people.

I then join several other keys and it’s just rage quit after rage quit was a weird a day for several keys.

What level?

These were 13s and 14s I think

That makes sense. I don’t think good players are trying to run those keys.

Yeah probably not cause once I started hitting 15 and 16s things seemed much smoother.

16s yes, 15s doubt.

Yes, in particular you’re picking the best and worst healers at the moment, though holy paladin has been knocked down a bit … but still quite good!

However I think just play what you want to play. If you enjoy it and you aren’t trying to max out your gear this season or push beyond 20 then all specs are quite viable. If you love mistweaver, go for it!

But do know you will have to be a bit better than your peers to be their peer

Tonights log – first key, I invite a duo with 3400 score for a 20 on my mage. They proceed to make fun of everyone else for every little mistake while the tank pulls like a maniac. We’ll see how the 2nd key goes …

Thank you. :slight_smile: Always the best advice. I should have made clear that I won’t be doing high-level content. Normal raids and +16 keys at a max, I’m betting.

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It’s the fact if you choose to be toxic and trolly online / in online games, and you don’t face any repercussions in real life.

I think most of these toxic folks don’t mix their online actions with their real life behaviors… unless it’s road rage, lol.