Typhoon still broken

This is the most ubiquitous bug I’ve ever experienced in the game.

I hope this gets fixed in today’s patch. I’m shocked it hasn’t been fixed yet.

Every dev should unbind their ESCAPE button until this is fixed.

Did ALL the same stuff man. Driving me crazy. I stopped playing my druid until I figure this out. That is how crazy it made me.

Found a solution.

Create a macro with /m and insert the below. This will cast highest typhoon rank, and cancel it after. No more bug!

/cast typhoon

This is not a macro command. Also, it didn’t work for me. Trying /stopcasting right now.

Same issues here. I was absolutely losing my mind.

Typhoon is so busted I remember doing a BG and being on the roof in WSG, the boomkin casted Typhoon at the bottom near the flag and it still “knocked” me backwards on the roof in the line he threw it in.

It is so stupid how bugged this ability is compared to what it used to be in 2008

thank you for this piece of information, I’ve been going through keybinds, interface and all trying to find why things weren’t working properly.

I started to look at my hardware (keyboard and mouse not working properly). I’m happy and relived to know it’s a bug but when will it be addressed properly?

but when will it be addressed properly?


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Keep this post updated and bumped up. This is ridiculous. Not playing my boomy til its fixed!

Bump. I see weekly bug fixes and still nothing about this super annoying, daily returning Typhoon bug.

Equally as bad as shadowstepping to people on high terrain kicking you off the server :joy:

If a lot of you are being serious about reinstalling, wiping keybinds, etc … I’d like to introduce you to google.com

This bug has been extremely irritating for me.

So this macro might be redundant but it has fixed this issue for me.

/cast Typhoon

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