Typhoon still broken

Wow i almost lost a good keyboard cause of this last night. Although hiding under a wall and typhoon people is fun lack of escape key is a game changer.

Bump. This isnā€™t something that should exist four days prior to expansion release.

I would think that a bugged spell necessitating that I exit the client would be a higher priority than it seems to be at the moment. Iā€™m just glad I donā€™t have queues to fight through for nowā€¦

oh my god is that what happened? i was running a BT on my boomy and at some point my escape key just stopped working but i just assumed it was some addon messing up and iā€™d have to uninstall it or wait till an update but it got fixed after the run was over and i ported to Shatt.

My brothers in christ, they cant even get a guy to answer tickets in reasonable time. What makes you think they have the resources to fix bugs?

No they wont fix it.

This isnt just ESC. CTRL tweaks out to where I have to restart my mouse through G HUB to fix it. THought it was my mouse of keyboard so I bought new ones lol I havenā€™t figured out what is causing CTRL to do it though.

I was wondering what was causing this issue lol. Its considerably annoying.

I was wondering why the escape key stops working on my druid sometimes =/


I use typhoon pretty often as a boomie, and Iā€™ve never experienced this issue. What addonā€™s are you using? Have you tried running the game without any of them?

I sometimes get this weird issue on my druid where if i tab out and back in, the client will only let me press one button, and every single key registers that same button, usually a random one. The only way iā€™ve found to fix it is to Alt+tab twice really quickly, takes me out of the client and back in, seems to reset it somehow.

I have been experiencing this exact issue, thank you for enlightening me. I completely reinstalled my addons and killed my WTF folder because of this. I am so mad. BLIZZARD!? HELLO! ANYONE HOME?!

Bump ā€¦ not fixed yet

You really canā€™t expect a multi dollar company to fix issues like these. Didnā€™t you watch that most recent interview? Itā€™s clear they have literally 1 person working on each part of this game. The guy even said thereā€™s ONE engineer that works on the LFG system. No wonder itā€™s trash and bugs out half the time.

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Soooooooooo thatā€™s why my escape button isnā€™t working on druid. Yeah, can confirm this is an issue.

Thank you!!! I had no idea this was the issue. I thought it was very strange that it only happened when playing my druid, and only started in the past 2 or so days. Makes sense as ive been running around as a moonkin completing quests.

Extremely annoying. An actual ā€˜game-breakingā€™ bug.

unreal how annoying this has been. guess i have to not talent into typhoon till they fix this

Ok, so this is happening to me non stop. Ive been pvping on hellfire citadel, and after reading this, i see that its my typhoon bugging it out? I have been spending countless time on this trying different thingsā€¦ This needs to get fixed ASAP! I cannot stand not having use of my esc key.

OMG. This is whatā€™s happening. Holy cow, this is ridiculous. Iā€™ve been resetting my keybinds, uninstalling and re-installing addons, re-installing drivers, and resetting all of my settings. It was until I reset everything to a blank slate that I thought to come to the forums.

I have never seen a more ridiculous bug in this game.

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So this is why my druid continued capping AV flags even when I had to abandon it and run. And the escape key not working is insanely annoying.

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