11/02/2018 03:38 PMPosted by
This is just a remnant of some leftover UI. WoW Classic will not have Dungeon Finder/Raid Finder.
How many months of development on the classic demo have you had to simply remove it or delete the /slash command?
If it's not going to be in the game on launch then why keep it in the demo?
Blizzard used to be renowned for their pruning abilities. Have your cutting tools been blunted by excessive use?
Jesus christ..whine whine wine complain...give blizz s freaking break..its a DEMO FOR A REASON.. you want the true lassic experience...FEEDBACK IS PRIORITY
Im glad to experience a full classic experience when it launches..but FFS stop the whine train.. it sad that people are working night and day to go through a scramble of code to get everything right...demos are not betas...get over it
Nothing is perfect...if u think you got swindled just stop playing
So sad to be apart of a community for ten years to see it from being amazing to utterly downright disrespectul and toxic
Btw lore..ty for the updates...
11/02/2018 04:26 PMPosted by
Some of you don't realize too, the build they have us demoing, is easily over a month old, it's literally been up on servers for a long time. They are further ahead than this. I'm pretty sure things like 200% spell crit/etc will be fixed too. give feedback of classic bugs, don't complain like they already released it this way.
now if it's in bad shape at release like bfa was, definitely be more angry, but don't be upset an out of date BETA has bugs. It's a hybrid client merging new tech with old and some cross over bugs will need squashing.
So I won't even pretend I'm not a classic loyalist or whatever you want to call them, but this thought process SURE sounds like responses on the Alpha/Beta forum comments for BFA and all it's issues and look how that turned out.
[quote][quote]<span class="truncated">...</span>
I don't normally visit these forums, so I must have missed people complaining about sharding. I spend most of my time playing solo, so it suits my play style, and I've never found a problem with it other than mining and herb nodes disappearing, which isn't something I consider super detrimental to my enjoyment of the game. That's why I asked in the first place. I can tell you kids are very passionate about it though, so carry on.
You don't care that you just spent 20 minutes working your way up a hill through mobs to mine a node and when you kill the last mob and finally get to it it disappears? Yeah...I believe that...
OK, grandpa. You forgot to add that there was 12 inches of snow on the ground which forced you to RP walk and you had a slow debuff that lasted 10 minutes long.
11/02/2018 03:52 PMPosted by
11/02/2018 03:38 PMPosted by
This is just a remnant of some leftover UI. WoW Classic will not have Dungeon Finder/Raid Finder.
But it will have sharding lul
For the first 2 weeks so people can play? Fine by me.
11/02/2018 03:38 PMPosted by
This is just a remnant of some leftover UI. WoW Classic will not have Dungeon Finder/Raid Finder.
but the sharding is in!
also nice using a legion build for classic. it isn't real classic.
Real classic isn't compatible with modern OS's.
<span class="truncated">...</span>
read the blue post in the other thread mang - they said if anything at all it will only be used for launch day
No that isn't what was said.
"To that end, we do believe that some form of sharding may be helpful, especially in those early days."
"Especially in", not "limited to" or any other phrase remotely meaning "only used for launch day", in fact it's more the opposite as in maybe other times but almost certainly launch day...
Yes, because recreating the Opening of Ahn'Qiraj's massive server spikes is a good idea. /s
11/02/2018 04:48 PMPosted by
Well not full sharding but some form of sharding.
That’s still sharding...
do you like competing with thousands of players to get a single quest complete? if so, i do hope you enjoy not having any sharding
11/02/2018 03:54 PMPosted by
11/02/2018 03:52 PMPosted by
But it will have sharding lul
At launch, if you thought otherwise you are dumb AF
Says the person that believes they will turn it off. Even after they implied they wouldnt
11/02/2018 03:38 PMPosted by
This is just a remnant of some leftover UI. WoW Classic will not have Dungeon Finder/Raid Finder.
but the sharding is in!
also nice using a legion build for classic. it isn't real classic.
Lore didn't say this at all. Why say things like this that are blatantly untrue, it doesn't make your opinion relevant at all. What Lore actually said was that while phasing and CRZ were out, they were looking at sharding as a way to handle the insane overflow on launch day in early areas among other ideas.
This is literally Lore giving feedback, extending the post limit for feedback from us, and figuring out the best way to handle this kind of situation with current technology. Private Servers increase respawn times dramatically to the point everything spawns instantly on launches, some indeed do spill over server they later merge into the main server as the population balances out. This is fine to discuss.
However, making false claims saying Lore said things he didn't instead of actually discussing the idea, makes you completely ignoreable and invalidates your own credibility.
Can we get a confirmation on the premade group making tool we use for BFA? i think its spamming trade chat in 2019 might be a bit of a stretch, thanks!
You should just play retail WoW if you're looking for QoL.
The thing/s that you request adds up.
Another person like you might start saying " *** in 2019 might be a bit of a stretch" (Insert anything in *** like flying or what ever).
In the end, players who really want the classic experience will be like, whats the point when so many things have changed.
People want #nochanges, thats why they're even pissed at sharding.
11/02/2018 09:08 PMPosted by
Well done on getting played and scammed by Blizz, guys. They put together the !@#$tiest example of a demo they could and charged you morons 50 bucks to play it for half an hour. You only have yourselves to blame.
Anyone who thought this demo was going to be anything other than a re-skinned BfA with tougher mobs frankly deserves to be as upset as they are, the game's not going to be released for at least another year and you idiots thought a 4 lvl demo would be anything other than BS? They sold a whole ton of Virtual Tickets and that was the purpose.
You didn't spend $50 on a demo. You spent that on a virtual ticket to attend Blizzcon. All the other in game goodies are merely perks. For the first 6 years of the game there were no Virtual Tickets. You actually had to attend in person to get any in game goodies. And the majority of the items were just pets.
Now I agree, the only reason most people buy these things are for the in game loots but, that is not what you are paying for.
It's like buying a ticket to a band 'cause you heard they shoot t-shirts out into the crowd. You didn't spend $50 for the t-shirt.
11/03/2018 09:18 PMPosted by
<span class="truncated">...</span>
At launch, if you thought otherwise you are dumb AF
Says the person that believes they will turn it off. Even after they implied they wouldnt
The only implication is the sharding for major events like launch day and the opening of AQ. It's silly to believe servers won't crash without a backup. Need I mention the spawn times and hours you'll spend trying to tag a mob for those first quests?
11/02/2018 03:38 PMPosted by
This is just a remnant of some leftover UI. WoW Classic will not have Dungeon Finder/Raid Finder.
Can we get Forsaken non zombies?
Was hoping since the HEAVY focus on BFA is with Forsaken they would get a little attention... Seemed pretty logical to give them an allied race or customization options. But nah, lets get Night Elves and Blood Elves more eyes options, and add 2 elf allied races as well. Forget the other races? Another year on Worgen updates is the best Blizzcon had to offer.