TWW talents feedback

The other thread got derailed by glue sniffers so i wanted to make a few more points here

I would hope the trees are currently a wip. They have potential, but a few changes are just entirely nonsensical.

Class tree

  • The soul leech and demonic teleport changes make absoutely zero sense. Was this an intentional nerf to our utlility/power budget? You took a baseline spell to the talent tree, just to make it an automatic selection? While now requiring to invest a point in demonic teleport–a mandatory spell for all content? Come on now.

Afflic tree

  • Summoner’s embrace/grimoire of sacrifice needs to be in the main tree already. Even more so now that you are clearly trying to make demons a common theme among the specs. I suggested this expansions ago and I see the thought at least exists in some shape or form, just need to double down on it: grimoire of sacrifice should be a choice node–two options centered around throughout and/or utility. Ideally, one node is for aoe (grimoire is good for aoe), the other for single and mostly utility (the other option).
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Instead of summoner’s embrace it would be cool to see grimoire of supremacy come back. Let me be a Diabolist with a permanent Doomguard/Infernal.


Honestly, I never use it. In fact, I rarely, if ever, use Demonic Gateway anymore.


I don’t understand why soul conduit was made a capstone talent with a 5% chance. Isn’t this a bit too damn low for a capstone??? At least attach an additional effect on it at least.

The oomph on that talent is pretty underwhelming.

I thought capstone talents are suppose to be powerful and exciting. :thinking:


That’s a shame.
Soul Burn + DG is a pretty good tool for Warlocks to use.

They are, and is an area Warlock lacks and one I thought they were addressing.

But on the flip side, Capstone talents can be costly to pick up so if our capstone isn’t even that strong, well then that lets us spend the talents elsewhere in the tree.

What content are you doing where you never/rarely use Port or Gate? Even if all you do is world quests, soulburn instant gate is very helpful mobility.

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I am so sad to hear that man honestly

Surprised you are making the game work without using teleport or gateway

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I play open world and LFR and generally use Burning Rush when I need to move quickly.
There have been times I’ve used Demonic Gateway to avoid pools of damage on the ground, though, more often than not, you still get hit by their damage.

I’m more surprised that you’d think you need Teleport or Gateway to make the game work as a Warlock!

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Hellbraize has a point though.

I mainly do mythic + and some light raiding and not using gate to skip groups or support your team mates is not good play on a locks parts. The portal itself is insanely useful to avoid mechanics.

You should be using those. None of the dps specs needs to use CDs for open world let alone defensives.

By lfr do you mean the auto invite for the story raids or the ones when people are creating groups. Granted I think if you do normal/auto raids is like doing heroic dungeons you basically don’t need to even do your rotation well just spam w.e and don’t think the mechanics on those difficulties can even kill unless you throw the encounter.

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LFR is Looking For Raid, basically LFG for Raids.
The ones where people are creating groups is generally referred to as ‘pugging’.
I only do the former, and, for DF Raids, there’s little reason to use Demonic Gateway. With Dragon flying a thing, there’s even less reason to use it in open world.

Honestly? I like teleport but I hate gateway as an ability. I’ve hated it since they first added it to the class. I only talent into it if someone else requests that I use it to help them with a specific mechanic they’re supposed to be dealing with.

In my perfect world gateway would be connected to a teleport and it would be a choice node with something that added an extra charge to teleport, reduced it’s cooldown or even just let it persist through death would be acceptable to me. Then gateway itself would be redesigned to piggyback off of teleport so that we don’t need four abilities to use 2 mobility abilities (summon, teleport, soulburn, gateway)

“demonic circle: summon now places a circle at a location you choose in addition to the one at your feet. You and your group may interact with one portal to teleport to the other. Demonic circle: teleport now teleports you to whichever of the two circles is closest.”

Yeah I think remember certain times when my fat a dragon couldn’t land properly to get one of those achievements nodes on a tip of a mountain in open world and I just used gate from another landing part and worked perfectly.

Honestly I’m surprised no one mentioned corruption on anything except affliction, hell ritual of doom, now THOSE are useless.

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Doom is flavor. Let it be used sparingly and then let subjugate demon let you have your primary pet and a subjugated out simultaneously. Bam–the spell has a use again

Corruption i use rarely as a dot on demo to keep stealthies out of stealth.