I have the OP blocked, but I assume this is talking about Ironforge?

Dagran Thaurissan II is the rightful heir to Ironforge. Magni abdicated in favour of Dagran II in a comic from Legion. The Council of Three Hammers, a regency council, has been ruling until the heir comes of age.

Actually, Moira’s title is not just “Queen”, she’s “Queen Regent”. Regent for who? Regent for Dagran II. Soon she will step aside and simply become “Dowager Queen Moira Thaurissan”.

Either way, Magni is out of the equation. He abdicated in favour of his daughter and grandson in Legion.

Were Magni to return to Ironforge, it would cause a civil war, with the Dark Irons firmly backing Moira and Dagran II. And I am sure this is not what Magni wants.

Dagran II MUST be seated on the throne, it is the only way to keep the Dark Irons into the fold. The Dark Irons will never accept to be ruled by a Bronzebeard.

The Council of Three Hammers was an idea originated from High King Varian Wrynn, which proves that King Varian was one of the brightest and most intelligent leaders in Azeroth. :slight_smile: