He’s not wearing his King’s attire anymore.
But what is left for him if not take the Throne of Ironforge back and rule with iron fist!

Ironforge could use an update while they’re at it.


I dunno, the council has been doing well since MoP. Was a bit shaky at the start, but now we’re pretty darn comfy.

why no one goes there lol first things first lets remodel orgrimmar cause since cata its looked awful with all the ugly metal and spikes and stormwind needs the graphics more then anything

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They all need updates, but if there were better ways for IF to be a main city people would. It was always busy in Vanilla.

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The models were pretty modestly garbed. I wonder if it’s for a flashback?

I have the OP blocked, but I assume this is talking about Ironforge?

Dagran Thaurissan II is the rightful heir to Ironforge. Magni abdicated in favour of Dagran II in a comic from Legion. The Council of Three Hammers, a regency council, has been ruling until the heir comes of age.

Actually, Moira’s title is not just “Queen”, she’s “Queen Regent”. Regent for who? Regent for Dagran II. Soon she will step aside and simply become “Dowager Queen Moira Thaurissan”.

Either way, Magni is out of the equation. He abdicated in favour of his daughter and grandson in Legion.

Were Magni to return to Ironforge, it would cause a civil war, with the Dark Irons firmly backing Moira and Dagran II. And I am sure this is not what Magni wants.

Dagran II MUST be seated on the throne, it is the only way to keep the Dark Irons into the fold. The Dark Irons will never accept to be ruled by a Bronzebeard.

The Council of Three Hammers was an idea originated from High King Varian Wrynn, which proves that King Varian was one of the brightest and most intelligent leaders in Azeroth. :slight_smile:


You mean the one who abandoned Ironforge to became Azeorth’s servant?


He just got his flesh back.

The last thing in his mind is going back to work…


Blizzard really likes to revert changes done to characters recently, almost as if Metzen wants to soft-retcon everything back to where it was before he left. Feels like the Star Wars sequel series where Jar Jar Abrams and Ruin Johnson fought over what the story would be over the course of the trilogy.

“The king of diamonds, has been made a pawn”


  1. He abdicated when he woke up. He even offered Moira the throne, but she declined because she believes in the Council and her future son.
  2. Moira, Muradin, and Falstad all stated they would fight Magni if he attempts to take the throne back.
  3. The Council agreed to dissolve once Moira’s son is old enough to assume the throne. However, considering how Dagran’s character is developing in WW, I would not be shocked if he decides the council will remain and take over either the Bronzebeard or Dark Iron seat, or abdicate it himself and pass it back to his mother, who is chosen worthy to wield Fearbreaker, the symbol of the King, by Fearbreaker itself during War Within.
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IIRC That is an old warthin news.

OP is talking about his new model that was added this week.

This happens as part of the Ringing Deeps campaign conclusion.

Source: I’ve done it twice

Shouldn’t Dagran have his time to shine.

I thought you talked about Elvis Presley, king rock and roll :guitar:

Naw, Magni is retiring. There’s a reason he is just in civilian clothes. He passed his hammer on to his daughter in a very clear demonstration that he is ready to let her and Dagran take on the responsibility of the Dwarves future.

The king or the champion?

To mentor his grandson and secure their dynasty at the head of the three clans.