TWW season 1 ending date

Anyone know the ending date of the current season?

I don’t think we have a definitive time but probably in early february.

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would it be safe to assume it will end after plunderstorm event?

That’s probably the earliest point, but it could be later. Depends on how fast they want to push the 11.1 testing.

Looking at previous Turbulent Timeways gives two answers:

The first TT event was March 28, 2023 and lasted until May 9th. Patch 10.1 launched on May 2nd, so a week before the TT event ended.

The second TT event was September 26, 2023 and lasted until October 31st. However, Patch 10.2 launched a week later, on November 7th.

So it could be the 18th at the earliest, or even some time into March. Still a ways out before they give us a definite date.

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PTR just went up for S2. Usually is up 6-8 weeks so I’m guessing end of feb maybe even early March.

Definitely not early February, it would be more like the last week of February to the first week of march. PTR testing typically lasts for two months, so I would hedge a safe bet on my guesses.

I’m ready honey.