Hi, all! I have a couple of quick suggestions that I would like to put out there for ways to minorly (not fix) help RDruids in PvP.
For some background, I have played WoW since BC and really only ever PvP. I am 100% a casual, having between 4 and 8 specs at max level in any expansion. I typically fall between 1600 and 2k in any given season depending on many factors. So that is to say, I am not a top ranked PvPer, but have been participating in PvP across numerous specs for many, many years.
I don’t know how to adjust and fix RDruids in PvP, as throughput seems to be somewhat of an issue here, but to give the player more time for optional play:
Germination: If specced into this, I don’t see why it doesn’t just cast two Rejuvenations on the target at once. Save us some button mashing.
Focused Growth (PvP Talent): Similarly, just have this statically reduce Lifebloom’s mana cost by 24% and increase it’s healing by just as much.
Both of these changes would save us having to spam keybinds and allow us to, as the devs seem to be pushing us, have more free globals and cast time for Wrath/Shred to make Dream of Cenarius work.
This won’t solve the state of RDruid PvP, but as someone who hates having to hit Lifebloom 3x and Rejuv 2x per target (if specced as such) it would at least give the player more time to do other things.
NOTE: I am not a PvE person, so I don’t know if Germination casting two Rejuvs at once would break PvE.
I also appreciate that top-rated players may think there are other, better ways to fix RDruid in PvP which I absolutely appreciate and would love to hear. From those that I follow and have seen post about this topic, there’s not a single streamer or Rank 1 who thinks RDruid is okay as is. But, similarly, they don’t know what to do to fix it.
I cannot see how freeing up globals would do anything but help the spec and, again, Germination may not even be taken by R1 players so perhaps that is a moot point. I just recently specced into it myself via Thriving Vegetation and have loved the playstyle… minus the button spam.