TWW Rogue Talent Suggestion

As we’re moving into TWW and with how talent choices are looking so far, I want to suggest adding 2 new talents and an update to one of the talents in the Outlaw Tree. While playing HO and KIR builds are fun, their gleam in terms of freshness has worn off on me and have turned somewhat repetitive for me. Both the Functionality and Visual of Outlaw doesn’t have the same punch as it did in Shadowlands. As far as I can see in the community, Greenskin Wickers hasn’t been used for a while and with the changes to Trickster and the current state of Fatebound, I see that it could be safe to add functionality to Pistol Shot and Sinister Strike without overpacking the abilities with power.

  • Acute Precision
    Choice Node for Audacity
  • Increases the Critical Strike Damage of Main Gauche by 50% but decreases the proc chance of Main Gauche by 10%.

The idea behind this talent is to increase the value of Mastery through the native crit rate that Outlaw has with Between the Eyes and Ruthless Precision whenever it may be up. While it isn’t exactly an ideal stat, giving value will hopefully add more variety than a dump stat (to the extent that I see this stat for the PvP scene, and a bare glimpse into the PvE side). Im not too keen into the specifics of Main Gauche interactions, but reducing the proc rate may also reduce the rate that energy is obtained with Fatal Flourish.

Triple Threat
Talent Update
25% after striking an additional time with Sinister Strike to strike with both weapons and guarantees Main Gauche on your next finisher with 50% increased damage. Does not benefit Hidden Opportunity.

Since Shadowlands until now, this talent and conduit was underwhelming in value and not really worth taking unless you had to take a Combat Conduit and had nothing better to put in and even in the talent tree now, it’s not worth much in terms of value. There’s no bonus combo points or effective energy procs (assuming it’s not obscured due to the relatively low proc rate of this passive talent). By adding extra effects and increasing the chance for Triple Threat to occur, the talent could find value. Currently in retail, it’s very hard to see Triple Threat occur because of how it melds together with Sinister Strike. On the logs, when it procs, it is considered Sinister Strikes but it is 3 - 4 attacks (3 assuming it didn’t do its full effect which occurred often) but when you’re seeing a lot of numbers flying from doing a normal rotation with procs from weapons, poisons, auto attack, and abilities, the effect of this talent is lost in the sauce, so-to-speak. By adding a 2nd effect to the talent, there is at least some extra value outside buffing just Sinister Strike since this talent doesn’t seem to work with Hidden Opportunity. Also bonus value to Mastery, just want to give players incentive to use the stat.

Choice Node for Hidden Opportunity
When Saber Slash strikes an additional time, there is a 33% chance that your next Pistol Shot will be replaced with Blunderbuss. Blunderbuss Draws a concealed blunderbuss and fires a quick shot at the target, dealing ((X% of Attack power) * 4) damage and reducing movement speed by Y% for 6 sec. Awards 1 combo point.
*Excerpt from the Dreadblades Artifact Tree for Blunderbuss in Legion

The idea behind adding Legion’s Blunderbuss to the talent tree as a choice node for Hidden Opportunity is to give play to the GSW players without allowing them to delve too deeply into the middlemost talents, Summarily Dispatch and Keep it Rolling. While KIR allows gameplay of high uptime with RTB buffs and fast CDR using Animacharged combo points, the premise of a high value Blunderbuss blasting mobs and players alike for high damage could create some new interactions such as deciding whether or not to use when players dont have Greenskin Wickers buff to use in combination with Fan the Hammer + Opportunity + Blunderbuss. It could be a matter of generating more combo points or doing more damage at the cost of some CDR. Just having more talent options to build into is better than having another season of KIR and HO.

Note: The values on these talent ideas are not reflective what their actual values should be moreso than a concept. I ultimately leave the values these talents should receive for the devs to change.

Edit: New to posting on the forums, was editing when I accidentally posted this.


If you already pre purchased the xpac you can drop it in the beta rogue thread.