TWW PvP Talent Idea - Aug Evoker

New PvP Talent Idea for TWW –

Bolstering Scales: Your Blistering Scales will now also explode from ranged attacks.

Blistering Scales in PvP is one of your core abilities, and largest damage sources as a support and similar to dragonflight, augmentation evoker performance vs ranged classes is dramatically worse. A large reason for this is due to Blistering scales, a core source of damage being zeroed out versus ranged attackers. With the PvP talent choices for Augmentation Evoker already feeling highly competitive and unique choices, I feel this addition would fit superbly.

This way it would be a nice small boost versus double ranged alone where we struggle most.

If felt appropriate another interaction that adds a drawback, like lowering the scales count to 12 down from 16 per blistering scales when this talent activated.

With Augmentation Evoker’s talent tree receiving in The War Within a fairly large rework I felt the timing of this idea would be ideal.

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Would love this, nothing feels worse than seeing the damage from a duel/match and seeing just how bad Blistering Scales is against casters vs melee.

Unravel also needs a buff, please <3

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It really is disheartening, I do not think there’s a single spec in the game outside of Augmentation where one of your core abilities is rendered nearly useless versus spellcasters / ranged (Hunters too), but is one of your most effective buttons versus melee specs.

I think Augmentation would still struggle against ranged classes with this PvP talent, but I believe its a small step in the right direction, that would feel like a huge quality of life buff too, we can now have value from of our best spells vs half the game

Can’t speak to this, as I’ve almost never ran this talent on Evoker. Augmentation rotation requires very efficient global use, so I felt it was hard to fit in my rotation between keeping up 2 prescience, casting out ebon might while being attacked, using fire breath right after to apply mastery and inferno’s blessing.

It’s a bloated, but fun and complex rotation, depending on how you build / play Augmentation.

So true, the fact that we still have a 25 yard range is pretty insane and certainty doesn’t help us with casters.

That’s kinda what I’m getting at, we have to keep our up time super high and casting Unravel should reward you for choosing to hurt a shield over keeping up your buffs. At current pressing Unravel only does around 600k with a crit, a lot of classes now have millions of hp of shields on short cd. You would think this would mean Unravel is good, but it does 3x less damage than my Eruption. An ability that is meant for hurting shields does less damage than a essence spender…

True, that’s why I fell in love with Aug. This has been the first true main that I’ve had in WoW ever since I started playing back in tbc

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I think one of the best approaches to this would be to remove unravel from the GCD. OR have its damage be relative to the shield size. Like if Demo locks get to have a 5 million absorb from dark pact on a 8 million health bar in PvP, maybe it should take out 40% of the shield instantly.

As it stands, I can’t even break the dark pact shield on demo locks before it comes off its short 36 sec cd (Roughly, or whatever it is with the standard build)

Would benefit all 3 evoker specs in a healthy way, especially when most Devastation abilities do more damage than unravel would otherwise do. Even Aug some of the globals are really competitive with that 600k into absorb only global of unravel.

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It’s actually insane, I was doing 5v5 1v1s earlier and the amount of outplays I had to do to kill 1 aff lock compared to what he had to do was just mind boggling. I won in the end, but if a Warlock pops dark pact the odds of you getting rid of it is really low. The best way I found to counter Dark Pact is to just run and LoS, I’m not sure if that’s a statement about Unravel or a statement about Dark Pact (maybe both).

This would honestly be so much better, instead of it scaling off your stats just make it a flat % damage of a shield, this might make it actually worth taking in some situations .

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