TWW Pre- Expansion PTR Dev notes - Elemental, Enhancement & Guardian?


It has come to my, and many their attention that the following specializations: Elemental, Enhancement, and Guardian don’t have any developer’s notes in this post The War Within Pre-Expansion PTR Development Notes

Did you forget or are the changes too long and important (copium snorting here) and do they need a separate post?

In all seriousness, through the years we’ve asked for more communication, and you’ve promised to work on this… And yet… Shaman and Druid feel like they’re being forgotten.
If you aren’t ready yet to reveal your plans for those two classes, just let us know you’re working on it. Don’t leave us in the dark.

I know bears have been ignored even in Alpha, of course, we can’t access those posts anymore.



This is a very similar theme to the DF beta and it’s honestly so disheartening. Why are only a few specs ignored in this fashion repeatedly?

I really don’t know what Blizzard is thinking about.

Shamans have been asking for changes for whole Dragonflight expansion and did not receive much, especially Elemental. From what I saw - Guardian Druids as well. Now during the period when class changes can and should happen (pre-expansion) they still both get close to zero changes and no communication whatsoever. I see that there are 100+ new posts in Shaman feedback thread since latest beta build and I don’t even need to read them to tell what exactly is written there…

Blizzard, if you want to keep your Shaman playerbase at current level (or at all), it is definitely time to make changes or at least communicate with Shaman players. New World: Aeternum failed announcement (which likely should have reached your ears too) showed loud and clear that players hate being neglected pretty much more than anything else and act accordingly…

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It’s worse, at least for shaman. We got some dev communication in DF alpha up until the point they announced “Sorry no more reworks/big changes, just tuning(sorry your trees are still bad lol)”. All of TWW alpha and beta the best we got is one post acknowledging a bug and the rest were copy/paste canned intros. Heck we didn’t even get dedicated threads for Stormbringer or totemic in the class forum.

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Good luck. I’ve tried holding out hope. At this point I’m not sure what the point is. Even if they don’t completely ignore us all, how much time do we reasonably have to test and have good changes made before everything is locked in until the .1 patch?

Seeing yet another week of good work and iteration after testing on mages and locks definitely hurts a bit. (and I like Warlock)

It would be one thing if all these specs just got a rework and were functioning really well (ala Demon Hunter) and therefore were pretty light on the changes going into the xpac, but good lord the issues each spec has have been around a long time.

Again… this isn’t the first time

Every new patch notes I hope to see something for Shamans, and then read them and get disappointed.

I mean, I don’t main Shaman or play it that much myself, but I still remember this class exists.