Will we get them in time to get the 3 day early access?
I don’t understand why the physical copies aren’t shipped out a month in advance these days. With how it all works there is no benefit getting the physical copy early once they launch the digital epic/heroic edition.
I don’t want the same issue I had with DF where jbhifi stuffed up my order and I didn’t have the game on launch day.
I don’t know for sure but i’m going to say no. i have pre ordered mine through EB Games and it said for first couple days after we got the date that i could pick it up from the day before the xpac goes live.
but now it just says August 2024 so they i guess these are being delayed a little but they don’t know when
Hmm. I might email their customer support and just see if they can get any info.
I still don’t understand the delay in shipping them out. They should ship when the digital version goes live. Save all the hassle.
Yeah it’s why i buy both physical and digital. digital so can play day 1. and just wait for the physical to come whenever
That’s what I did last hear. But I hate rewarding terrible customer service with extra money. If I put my tinfoil hat on, I can say they do this so they get more money from digital copies as well.
Yeah it’s most likely the reason. if i remember right my Legion collectors edition came like 2 weeks before xpac went live so would be nice if they did that again
Just picked up the collectors edition from eb games today. So if you’ve got one on order you should just about have it. Just in time for the weekend.
Yep i picked mine up from EB as well soon as they opened
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