TWW Pathfinder: Whats the Point?

No. It isn’t.

Ableism is a set of beliefs or practices that devalue and discriminate against people with physical, intellectual, or psychiatric disabilities and often rests on the assumption that disabled people need to be ‘fixed’ in one form or the other.

Blizzard adding accessibility options and making static flying available immediately upon hitting max level requirements instead of waiting until the end of the expansion is in no way ableism.

Unless you’re saying Cata was ableism, because those who have Ophidiophobia and Thalassophobia couldn’t get through the content without help or at all.

So which is it? Am I allowed to respond or not?

Ibuki just said what I did earlier:

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Their logic to locking static flight behind pathfinder in WoD and subsequent expansions was to prevent people from going through the content faster and allowing them to explore with the world more.

How does making the faster flight available from the start, but the slower one not, prevent people from blowing through the content even faster than they did before?


Dragon flying lets u cheese content in the exact same way tho. Even then. They have clearly designed quests in dragon flight around the fact that everyone has flight. It doesnt feel like old world quests how you can cheese those.


Minecraft creative flight old school flying can cheese quests by grabbing objectives without aggroing ground mobs. Also it has precise enough landing that you can sometimes avoid all agro when landing for gathering.


No it doesn’t. It’s not hovering or precise landing, or precise flying in tight spaces, etc.

Cheesing the content, making it trivial, was the issue.

Ah, I knew this would be your argument. Let’s discuss this. cracks Knuckles

First of all, the issue isn’t speed the issue is the ability to hover over your target. Wait for mobs to no longer be near said target. Swoop down, kill, and take off. Quests become meaningless. You can’t do that with Dynamic flying.

You have to actually engage with the environment. You can get places faster but you still have to land and do the content. You can’t just hover your way through quests.


Of all the groups that were listed, the only one that will be inconvenienced is those who have accessibility issues, and they will be inconvenienced in a major way. Blizzard knows this. Ion knows this. They chose to do it anyway. They somehow think that admitting they have singled out people with accessibility issues and equating that with “personal preference” as though it were a whim that they could just choose to get over is going to transfer the responsibility of finding ways to get around onto those players. From Sendryn’s response, she definitely sounds that Blizzard has gone further than they ought to have by allowing players who can’t use dynamic flying to be carried in the game at all times.

Wait, the purpose of dynamic flight is to make moving from point A to point B awkward and inconvenient? And all content is invalidated by being able to travel from point A to point B? Are you sure you’re not Ion? I think you’ve said the quiet part out loud.


I use both heavily. for both utility and childish entertainment.

There is this amazing, amazing, like ridiculously entertaining. And that is Jumping and/or falling into flight form. Gosh, I really don’t want to be the person I am about to be, but that’s a little bit breaking to my fun. - Not so much that I’m going to lose my mind, me my logical post above. I haven’t the energy to keep this adult thing going much longer.

It skinks. C’mon Druids I know y’all love jumping into flight form.

Again see my logical thread. I’m only responding to the above line in it’s singular self contained context and nothing more.

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Geebus actual Christmas do you EVER make an argument that isn’t disingenuous? Like did you read that dribble before you posted it? Just curious. No the point is to ENGAGE with the environment and the content.


If you’re a completionist who gets a hit of pleasure every time you check off a series of boxes, you get it. If you aren’t, you don’t.

The reward, whether material of symbolic, is secondary to the pleasure inherent in marking a task “completed”.

Hovering is not rlly cheese unless you are a druid. I mean sure it lets you not get tagged by trash while you afk. But that is a GOOD thing.

Df quests cannot be cheesed by flight. I really cannot think of one that is. Go do wod or that viking area in legion to see what real cheese is.

Like idk. Anything static flight can do. I can do on my dragon.


It’s annoying to me. Unless i change my entire UI i cannot make an attack without dismounting first, and i have my muscle memory on land then attack, not land, dismount, then attack. Also it makes doing world content feel slower with it.

Also all the extra gimmicks just to do what we already had is just a nuisance. I cannot understand why anyone can enjoy dragon riding.


You can just circle instead of hover. You could land close by, assess the situation, and take off. Changing the flight mode doesn’t prevent people from avoiding to do things, it just changes their approach to how they avoid it.

I just circle an area instead of hover. I want a precise spot? Aerial Halt.


I recently redid the campaign on a druid. This is absolutely not true. So many quest objectives can be picked up while in the air.

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Then they need a pathfinder for stealth. stealth allows you to cheese content way more than flight.


Perhaps some bigwig in the corporate office is like:

“We spent a lot of capital in this “Dynamic flight” thing you put in the game. Players better be using it!”

“Oh yes they will, they will indeed be using it sir!”

Personally i think its all Bass-Ackwards.
I would think that unlocking static “TBC flight” from the start, then adding in Dynamic flight as an upgrade later on during Pathfinder, would be the way to go.


Also, to everyone who continues to complain about dynamic flight: I am on the losing end of many arguments in WoW, but you might as well argue against having to use keys or mouse buttons to move in game. You lost, and you lost hard, and you lost forever. We’re never going back.

(And if we do go back, I’ll unsub. Dynamic flight is one of the top-five best improvements to the game of all time, and it’ll be a crying shame if we lose it to a bunch of bootless whinging.)

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Okay, then how do you solve the problem. Since you believe Dynamic flying isn’t the solution. Offer one. Let’s go into hypothetical here. You’re a Blizz employee on the development team. Your boss has just dumped this problem in your lap. Fix it.

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Oh ok, find a cliff, wait till mobs seperate, then speed dive in.

Oh wait same deal huh?

I mean yeah i mentioned the druid thing. Just let druids have it. They get to be op in 99% of content why not leveling. Or we could make flight form work like a normal mount. Im ok with that too : 3